08-10-2020 | Cs

The president of Cs assures that in the orange formation they are 'worried about how the second wave is affecting and the image that is being projected of Spain abroad'

"We have an unprecedented historical challenge and we should be talking about the far-reaching reforms that Spain needs," said the president of Ciudadanos (Cs), Inés Arrimadas, in an interview on Antena3's ‘Espejo Público’ program. "We should be talking about reforms to guarantee educational quality, to strengthen the health system and to help youth employment," he added.

"Yesterday we saw how Sánchez continues without explaining anything and only presented some very generic lines while we are waiting to send a document with reforms to Brussels," said the leader of the orange party when referring to the Recovery Plan that the President of the Government presented yesterday. Arrimadas has once again defended that the country "needs budgets that channel European aid" since it is not about "how we have a lot of money to spend, well let's see what we spend it on, but about investing that money to reform our country".

"We have a government that when it does not talk to you about Franco, covers up the corruption of Podemos or justifies that Iglesias may be charged, which, if he is not already, it is because he is calibrated," Arrimadas criticized when speaking of "the bad political situation ”the country is going through. "In Ciudadanos we are concerned about how the second wave is affecting and the image that is being projected of Spain abroad," he said. Likewise, the president of Cs recalled that her party "is the only one that is against the surveys, against dividing up the judges and against investigating one corruption yes and another no."

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