It is the first native equine race to adhere to this initiative, and with it, there are 51 native races, mostly in extinction, those adhering to the "100% Native Race" logo regulated by the Royal Decree 505/2013, of June 28.
The Purebred Galician breed is included in the Official Catalog of Cattle Breeds of Spain as a native race in danger of extinction. It receives its name from the Autonomous Community from which it comes, Galicia, with references on its existence since the fifteenth century.
Currently it can be found in all Galician provinces, in the highest parts of the mountains, in areas that cannot be used to produce pastures, including, in numerous cases, within the protected areas of the Natura 2000 Network.
Through the logo "100% native race" PURAGA intends to publicize other benefits of this breed. Thus the consumer can unequivocally identify the products derived from it (meat products, processed or processed products and prepared food, food, skins and products made or processed from them).
In relation to census data, the Purebred Horse breed Galega has 1,543 animals registered in the genealogical book, distributed in 279 farms, according to the latest data provided by PURAGA.
To date the logo "100% native race" has been assigned by the MAP to 51 races, managed by 47 breeders associations and 4 Associations Federations; 20 of them recognized by the MAP, 5 by Andalusia, 1 by Aragon, 1 by the Canary Islands, 2 by Castilla-La Mancha, 3 by Castilla y Léon, 1 by Catalonia, 1 by the Foral Community of Navarra, 3 by Extremadura, 9 for Galicia, 1 for the Balearic Islands, 2 for Madrid, 1 for the Basque Country and 1 for the Principality of Asturias.
By species the 51 races covered by this badge, are distributed as follows: 25 of them are of the bovine species, 11 of sheep, 10 goats, 3 of pigs, 1 avian and 1 equine