The president of the Spanish Confederation of Associations of Young Entrepreneurs, CEAJE, Fermín Albaladejo, and the manager of Nubalia, Manuel Galayo, have signed a collaboration agreement with the aim of promoting and accelerating the digital transformation of the business of young entrepreneurs.

The agreement, signed at the Madrid headquarters of CEAJE, will allow young entrepreneurs associated with the Confederation access Google Cloud tools and solutions, as well as advisory and support services throughout its digital transformation process.

Manuel Galayo stressed the importance of "this new collaboration" which, he says, "will allow young entrepreneurs to accelerate the transformation of their business processes, gaining in productivity and efficiency."

For his part, the president of CEAJE has been very grateful "for the trust placed in the young entrepreneurs" and has put in value this "strategic" agreement, which "ensures the digital modernization and competitiveness of young entrepreneurs in the market global".

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  • The Council of Ministers today approved a royal decree releasing the 700 MHz band of the radio spectrum currently occupied by digital terrestrial television to make room for 5G technology
  • The Second Digital Dividend process will be completed before June 30, 2020, complying with the schedule established by the European Union
  • The offer of existing channels will be maintained at present. The channels will have until January 1, 2023 to evolve to high definition
  • The communities of neighbors affected by the change of frequencies will have subsidies to pay for the adaptation of their collective reception systems

The Council of Ministers today approved two royal decrees to facilitate the development of 5G networks in Spain. With the first royal decree, a new National Technical Plan for digital terrestrial television (DTT) was approved and the release of the Second Digital Dividend was regulated. The second royal decree regulates the direct granting of subsidies designed to compensate the costs derived from the adaptation of the collective systems of reception of audiovisual communication services.

The Second Digital Dividend is a key process to allow the deployment of 5G networks, by releasing the 694-790 MHz band (hereinafter, 700 MHz band) of the radioelectric spectrum, which is currently partially occupied by DTT. This is a European-level project regulated by Decision (EU) 2017/899 of the European Parliament and the Council of 17 May 2017, which aims to ensure a coordinated approach to the use of this band in the European Union.

The release of the Second Digital Dividend will end before June 30, 2020, thus complying with the calendar established by the European Union and with the road map published by the Ministry of Economy and Business on June 29, 2018. The Government will call a public tender to assign that band to the operators so that it may be available to offer 5G services before June 30, 2020.

Bet on the 5G

As of that date, the 700 MHz band will be available for the provision of services associated with the fifth generation mobile telephony, within the 5G National Plan. Thus, the commitment to place Spain among the leading countries in the development of this technology is maintained, which will boost the competitiveness of the business fabric and facilitate the emergence of disruptive innovations, in line with what is set out in the Agenda for Change.

The new National Technical Plan for DTT approved by the Council of Ministers identifies the radio channels currently used by television and replaces them with new radio channels in a lower band (470-694 MHz).

The Technical Plan maintains the current offer of digital terrestrial television channels unchanged. Each digital multiple, whatever its scope of coverage, will have the capacity to integrate up to four television channels in high definition.

The Royal Decree by which the new National Technical Plan is approved also establishes the technical procedure for proceeding to the aforementioned channel transfer, as well as the conditions for its continuity, and includes the technical specifications of terrestrial digital television broadcasts in high definition and ultra high definition.

A deadline of January 1, 2023 is established, in which all television channels must evolve to high definition and technological adaptation of digital terrestrial television receivers is contemplated. After the expiration of nine months from the effective date of the Royal Decree, the obligation is established for all the devices placed on the Spanish market to include the capacity to receive emissions with the DVB-T2 signal transmission technology, in addition to the broadcasts in high definition. The larger ones should be compatible with ultra high definition broadcasts and incorporate broadband connection capacity and interactive HbbTV services.

Public aid

The change of frequencies of DTT will involve in the coming months an adaptation of the reception facilities in most of the national territory, in the same way that happened in 2015 with the process of releasing the 800 MHz band (First Digital Dividend) . Individual dwellings will be excluded from this adaptation, where only televisions should be retuned.

The Council of Ministers has approved a royal decree of aid that regulates the direct granting of subsidies worth 150 million euros for the communities of owners for the adaptation of television reception facilities. The amounts of the subsidy range between € 104.3 and € 677.95, depending on the infrastructure previously installed.

The Government aims to minimize the impact of the process on citizens, as well as on operators and the set of audiovisual communication service providers, who have been informed of it at all times. The deployment will be developed in full coordination with the neighboring countries, not only with those belonging to the European Union, subject to the same process, also with Morocco and Algeria.

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AMETIC, the employer of the digital industry, organizes in the city of Bilbao for the second consecutive year # VEHICLES7YFN, the Think Tank of international reference on the future of sustainable mobility in Europe. After the success of the first edition, first level experts debate in this new meeting about urban infrastructures for mobility and its social impact. In this context, the ecosystem maps of the landscapes of the cities of the future will be exhibited.

The professional event of reference has more than 50 experts -representatives of companies, European public bodies, technology centers and transnational entities- that reflect on the future of mobility in the continent, the main urban and technological challenges to face, the evolution towards the autonomous and connected car of tomorrow, the urban infrastructures of mobility and their social impact, as well as the keys to overcome the possible deviations or risks.

After defining last year the plausible scenarios for the development of the autonomous vehicle and the intelligent mobility systems, # VEHICLES7YFN goes a step further to design the map of the urban infrastructures of the future for sustainable mobility and its social repercussion.

Some of the issues that this approach Think Tank international are the urban planning, construction, telecommunications and 5G infrastructures, electrical networks, the internet of things (IoT), V2V technology; Safe software, artificial intelligence and Big Data, etc.. Also, the regulatory environment and standardization will be discussed, including the autonomous vehicle, electronics, communications and software and data protection. Public support programs will also be taken into account, as well as the social impact that the transformation of the mobility ecosystem as it is known today will imply. The conclusions of this meeting of multidisciplinary experts will be presented at the end of the year in Barcelona.

The event, organized together with the consultancy NormannPartners, has the collaboration of the Bilbao City Council, the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, the Basque Energy Agency, the IBIL, the Economic Development Agency of Stuttgart (Germany), the Barcelona City Council , the General Directorate of Traffic, the Catalan agency for the competitiveness of the company ACCIÒ, as well as prestigious organizations such as Digital Europe, AIC Automotive Intelligence Center, Orkestra, CIC Energigune, CTTC, UNE, Bilbao Metropoli 30, Tecnalia, i2Cat, Eurecat , EIT Urban Mobility, Mobile World Capital, Fesvial, BBK Foundation and ONCE Foundation.

In addition, among the companies that have an active participation in this forum are Ferrovial, Petronor, Kapsch, Porsche, Antolin, Ikusi, Ormazabal, Premo, Gertek, IdenCity, Grant Thornton, Saba, Velatia and Whitehole.

Reference event in the sector

# VEHICLES7YFN is conceived as a Strategic Committee of Experts on the autonomous, connected vehicle and sustainable mobility in Europe. The objective of Think Tank it resides in fostering disruptive thinking about the environment, sustainability and digital transformation, in order to contribute to reflection and generate future proposals for mobility in urban environments. Also to encourage debate, share different experiences, points of view and address the challenges facing society.

The different reflections are organized into six major thematic blocks: urban planning; communication, software, artificial intelligence and big data; regulation; business model; and connected homes and buildings. In urban planning, the experts delve into the challenges of logistics and freight transport, as well as the mobility of citizens, drone travel, and the characteristics of public services and emergencies. On communication and technology, the forum gives the keys to the European regulation that is underway for 5G connectivity, the IoT (Internet of Things) and the advancement of V2V (Vehicle to Vehicle).

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CEOE facilitates the expansion of Spanish companies through the Training Program for the Internationalization of Companies in Morocco, which will start its 5th Edition next September. Today the presentation of the Program took place, which brought together Experts, institutions Y Business.

Jose Alberto González-Ruiz, general secretary of CEOE and Javier Serra, director of Internationalization of ICEX, were in charge of inaugurating the event. Houda Benghazi, general director of the Moroccan Economic Committee Spain (CEMAES), presented together with Nuria Torrijos, Director of Development of CEOE Training, this 5th Edition of the Training Program for the Internationalization of Companies in Morocco.

The general secretary of CEOE, José Alberto González-Ruiz, stressed the need for Spanish companies to continue insisting on the foreign market and highly valued the process of adapting them when starting a business in third markets. In this regard, he highlighted the usefulness of the internationalization program to know in depth all the necessary information of the country in question.

A panel of experts that has had Luis Oscar Moreno, chief counsel of the Economic and Commercial Office of Spain in Morocco; Aziz El Atiaoui, adviser of Economic and Business Affairs of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Spain, and Javier Iscar, president of the Moroccan Hispanic Court of Arbitration.

The company Evlox, participant in the third edition of this Training Program for the Internationalization of Companies in Morocco, has shared its testimony of the advantage that this program has meant in its internationalization process.

Alsa, already settled in Morocco, has had experience and lessons learned, through the mouth of its president, Jorge Cosmen.

The president of CEOE International, Marta Blanco and the deputy head of mission of the Embassy of Morocco in Spain, closed the day. Badre Rochdi. Both highlighted the importance of this program as a tool for the internationalization of Spanish companies in the Alawite country and suggested exporting this initiative to other countries, in order to promote triangular cooperation in third markets.

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Africa needs more coherent development strategies and that prioritizes the improvement of public policies to face the challenges of growth, employment and inequalities caused by the remarkable growth of the continent, according to the first edition of this new joint report of the Development Center of the OECD and the African Union Commission (CUA).

Dynamics of the Development of Africa 2018, the first annual economic report of the African Union Commission since its creation in 1963, was published a few months ago and today the Director of the OECD Development Center, Mario Pezzini, he presented it yesterday in Madrid at the CEOE headquarters, in an event that was attended by Marta Blanco, President of CEOE International; José Segura, General Director of Casa África; Cristina Serrano, Director of International Economic Relations, and Raimundo Robredo, Director General of Africa – both of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation -; Y Paulo da Silva, Dean of the Group of African Ambassadors accredited in Spain, and which closed Manuel Escudero, Permanent Representative of Spain to the OECD and current President of the Governing Board of the Development Center of the OECD.

At the opening ceremony, Marta Blanco highlighted the extraordinary relationship that CEOE has with Casa Africa and the importance that the African continent has for the CEOE, for a long time. In this regard, he pointed out the role played by the more than 1,600 Spanish companies in that continent, a presence that is not very numerous but that has a driving force to increase its number considerably in the coming years.

She also indicated the remarkable role of women in economic and social activity and that acts such as today will help to increase knowledge and strategic vision in the medium and long term. Finally, he stressed that in Africa there are a significant number of countries that have a 5% growth and that of the 10 countries in the world with the highest growth are 6 Africans.

On the other hand, the report concludes that a favorable trend of commodity prices, strong domestic demand, progress in the application of macroeconomic policies and strategies to diversify national economies have been the main drivers of the continent's recent growth, which is expected to reach 4% per year between 2018 and 2020. The decision of some countries to increase investment in infrastructure and the growing number of trade associations – with China, India and other emerging countries – have also been successful.

Since the beginning of the century, Africa has ranked second after Asia in the ranking of the fastest growing regions of the world, with an average annual growth of gross domestic product (GDP) of 4.7% between 2000 and 2017. However, This level of growth has been insufficient to trigger fundamental changes. The report focuses on "growth, employment and inequalities" and highlights the importance of accelerating the structural transformation of African economies. Growth remains uneven; between 2016 and 2020, only three of the 55 countries of the continent should reach the annual average growth target of more than 7% established in the 2063 Program of the African Union.

In addition, this growth has not created enough decent jobs, since, currently, 282 million people work in unstable jobs. At the current rate, 66% of jobs will remain unsafe by 2022, a figure much higher than the 41% predicted for 2023. In turn, the population of Africa is increasing rapidly: a quarter of the world's population will be African in 2050. The report also draws attention to the need to increase productivity. African companies are behind the rest of the world in sectors with a high potential for job creation, such as agro-industry, construction, light manufacturing and logistics services.

Likewise, growth in Africa has less impact than in other parts of the world in reducing inequalities and improving well-being. If the Gini coefficient of the continent had fallen seven more points, to 35 – the same level as in Asia – growth would have lifted another 130 million people out of poverty between 1990 and 2016. Although it has been reduced, Extreme poverty continues to affect 35% of the African population, that is, 395 million people.

The report also reveals the uneven results of the different African regions in terms of growth, employment and inequalities:

East africa it has enjoyed stronger and more resilient economic growth than the other regions, more than 4% per year since 1990, thanks to a more diversified economy.

– In Central Africa, the number of jobs in the formal economy has been decreasing since 2015.

East and West Africa they managed to reduce extreme poverty by 23 and 12 percentage points, respectively, between 1990 and 2013.

– Inequality in Africa is more prevalent in the Southern Africa, which, in terms of income, contains six of the ten most unequal countries in the world.

The report emphasizes that Public policies are the key to improving the results in terms of growth, employment and inequalities. National strategies are more effective when they promote good intersectoral coordination of government action, active participation of economic agents and citizens, and take into account a regional approach to development.

At the presentation ceremony, the Director General of Casa África, José Segura, stressed the importance of Spanish entrepreneurs accessing this type of macroeconomic reports "as the best way to break down stereotypes." In addition, in the case of this report, he stressed that it has been developed jointly with the African Union Commission, something vitally important to know how Africans make their own diagnoses and point to the solutions needed to respond to this great challenge of which the report speaks: the creation of quality employment as a bet to end inequalities.

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The president of CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, has intervened in the course organized by the Association of Economic Information Journalists, APIE, and the Menéndez Pelayo International University, UIMP, in Santander.

Antonio Garamendi referred in his speech to sustainable finance and its importance in the future of the economy, as well as to pensions and the advantage of creating a mixed system, but without increasing the costs of companies, because if they increase, productivity decreases.

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The president of CEOE intervened in the course of APIE

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On the eve of the G20 summit in Osaka, the Global Business Coalition calls for urgent action on the reform of the WTO. In order to maintain the continuity and sustainability of the WTO dispute settlement system, the efforts and collaboration of the G20 to unlock the appointment of members in the Appellate Body are vital, in order to avoid a crisis in the multilateral trading system.

Entrepreneurs are deeply concerned about the future of the multilateral community. For more than two decades, the World Trade Organization (WTO) has been the basis of our global economic success. The multilateral trading system has proven to be essential for our business and for the functioning of its global value chains. The latter have provided greater prosperity, better choice of products and improvements in the purchasing power of consumers. Currently, these advances have been put at risk. The current WTO crisis and ongoing trade conflicts threaten predictability, stability and openness in world markets. This situation of trade, therefore, also endangers global cooperation, development and peace.

It is a widely accepted fact that the WTO needs urgent modernization, leading to a better balance of all Member States and being able to address the reality of 21st century trade patterns. The international business community has repeatedly called for immediate action to reform the three pillars of the WTO: standard setting and liberalization, monitoring and dispute settlement. While several proposals on the reform of the WTO were presented, the members of the WTO have been unable to make decisions. We're running out of time.

It is especially urgent that we address the conflict between WTO members about the functioning of the dispute settlement system. A balanced and effective dispute settlement system is essential for the application of the WTO rule and the orderly resolution of commercial disputes. However, the system will collapse if the nomination process for members of the Appellate Body is not unblocked soon. As of December 2019, the terms of two of the remaining three members of the Appellate Body will expire, leaving the mechanism unable to complete any appeal. If the stalemate continues, the credibility of the WTO agreements will be affected. In addition, each individual commercial dispute may turn into a small commercial war without an adequate rule-based liquidation process.

We call on the G20 leaders to:

  1. Make the resolution of the dispute over the WTO dispute settlement system and its Appellate Body an absolute priority.
  2. Participate in urgent negotiations in Geneva to unblock the process of nominating members for the Appellate Body.
  3. Mandate the G20 trade ministers to inform their leaders and the public about the progress made on a monthly basis.
  4. Find solutions within the existing framework, guarantee an impartial and binding process, as well as establish opinions on all matters of the WTO.
  5. Take into account the concerns already mentioned, as well as the existing proposals for solutions for the G20 and other WTO members, for example, regarding the transitional rules for outgoing members of the Appellate Body, the duration of the proceedings (including the question of the 90-day term), and the focus of the results, as well as the issue of precedents.
  6. Consider contingency work on potential alternatives as a last resort, in case the stalemate continues. This could include arbitration based on Article 25 of the WTO Dispute Settlement Agreement (ESD) and appointment of new members of the Appellate Body by vote.
  7. Apply good practices, conciliation and mediation based on Article 5 of the DSU, in order to facilitate the prompt resolution of disputes and avoid further burdens in the system.
  8. Ensure the sufficient capacity of the WTO dispute settlement system to decide in a timely manner on the growing number of cases.

Miguel Acevedo

President of the Global Business Coalition

This statement is issued by members of the Global Business Coalition, in Berlin, Brasilia, Brussels, Buenos Aires, Istanbul, London, Madrid, New Delhi, Ottawa, Paris, Rome, Seoul, Sydney and Washington, D.C.

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The president of the Business Confederation of the Valencian Community (CEV), Salvador Navarro, and the acting president of the Association of Autonomous Workers (ATA-CV), Alberto Ara, signed at the headquarters of the Confederation and with the president of ATA at the national level, Lorenzo Amor, as a witness, the integration agreement of the autonomous organization in the CEV with which the unity of the business fabric of this Community as a whole is guaranteed, by including large companies, SMEs and self-employed workers.

Following the agreement reached by CEOE and ATA on a national basis, on April 25 the Board of Directors of the CEV approved the incorporation of ATA-CV as a full member of the Confederation.

With the signing of the ATA-CV agreement it becomes the association that represents the interests of the self-employed within the CEV at an intersectoral level and, progressively, it will be incorporated into those institutional bodies, councils and commissions where interests are particularly relevant. of the self-employed

The president of the CEV will propose to its governing bodies that a representative of ATA-CV occupy one of the vice presidencies of the Confederation, in addition to a voice in the Executive Committee and to preside over the Autonomous Work Committee, whose creation will take place shortly .

Both organizations commit to collaborate in the development of projects of entrepreneurship, training, or promotion of self-employment, both public and private.

CEV Executive Committee

After the signing of the agreement, ATA representatives participated in the meeting of the Executive Committee of the CEV, held at the Finca Sinyent of the Valencian Association of Farmers (AVA-ASAJA), in Polinyà del Xúquer, where it was approved the incorporation into the CEV of the Federation of Business Polygons of the Valencian Community (FEPEVAL) and the company Transvía, SL

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The Spanish Association of Branding, Aebrand, held the IX Ordinary General Assembly, when one year after the election of Cristián Saracco as president. The assembly, held at the headquarters of CEOE in Madrid, began with the intervention of the president, who presented the balance of this first year of mandate and outlined the lines of action that the Board of Directors had set when taking office in July. 2018

"A year ago we set ourselves the challenge of evolving towards a more open, participatory and enriching associative model, and we are committed to a growth strategy centered on three areas of action: openness, capillarity and synergies. As a result of the work carried out by the Board, we have incorporated new Partners – branding consultants and independent professionals -, gained in scope and representation, and established alliances that contribute to the interests of the professional branding collective ".

Saracco highlighted the growth experienced by the association in this last year. In figures, the number of partners has grown by 40%, which represents an increase in income of also 40%. "The balance we make of this stage is positive. The pace of growth has been slower than desired, but we keep moving in the right direction. "

Aebrand counts since last January with 14 new incorporations, between partners and partners -Apolo, Acute & Creative, Costa, Galikus Branding, Gravita, LLYC, The Bold, The Woork Co, Aggylon, Brandstocker and Padima-, and the forecast is to close 2019 with 10 new registrations of corporate partners.

Among the proposals for 2020, he highlighted the importance of continuing to work to consolidate the practice of branding as a strategic element for business management. In this sense, Cristián Saracco anticipated new collaborations with the most representative business and industry associations by territory and industry, to bring the practice of branding closer to business environments.

On the other hand, the president of Aebrand stressed the need to defend and protect the professional interests of the business group of branding and announced the creation of a Contest Committee. "The Board of Directors of Aebrand has repeatedly expressed opposition to the organization of unpaid contests." Saracco appeals to the collaboration with other associations to demand from the competent organisms a normative regulation of this type of these practices.

Finally, the president of Aebrand highlighted the lines of action in which the Board will work next year: growth, awareness and excellence. "We will give continuity to the initiatives started in this first mandate and working to be attractive and representative of excellence in branding."

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