The president of CEOE Internacional participated in the plenary session of the Development Cooperation Council, chaired by the Secretary of State for International Cooperation, Ángeles Moreno Bau. The Secretary of State took stock of this year 2020 and the prospects for 2021, focusing her intervention on the work carried out in the area of the Joint Response Strategy of the Spanish Cooperation to the COVID-19 Crisis, the programming of cooperation Spain and the European Union, the work to be carried out in the reform process of the cooperation system, the budgetary adjustments in the PGE 2021 and the next peer review (Peer Review) of the OECD Development Assistance Committee in 2021. Also , the Opinion of the 2018 Multilateral Policy Report was unanimously approved and the work plans and status of the working groups on Resources and Capacities, Agenda 2030, Humanitarian Action, Education for Development, Childhood and Gender were reviewed.
The president of CEOE Internacional, acting as president of the Monitoring Commission of said Council, highlighted that -despite the difficulties- we have come to fruition with the work carried out in the Monitoring Committee of the Cooperation Council, and thanked all its members for their efforts to carry out the work plan for this exercise. He also stressed that 2021 is going to continue to be a year full of challenges, which we will have to see as a year of opportunity in the preparation of the next VI Master Plan for Spanish cooperation, as well as in the process of reforms of the cooperation system. Finally, he conveyed his best wishes to the new rotating presidency of the Monitoring Commission, which will fall to the CRUE and vice-presidency to CONGDE.