As stipulated in the decree that regulates it since last March 14, administrative deadlines are suspended, among other reasons, so that no consumer loses rights. If not, the mobility limitations or the slowdown of some processes in the administration as a consequence of the exceptional situation in which the country finds itself would cause that part of the citizenry was not guaranteed their access to claims.
This afternoon, the Facua organization has leaked the internal administrative work document – in no case of a public nature – between the ministry and the Autonomous Communities, giving it a false interpretation and ensuring that Consumo "asks the CCAA not to act against any fraud during the alarm state. "
Given the gravity of the accusation, the ministry recalls that, during the month of confinement, the rights of consumers and users have not been modified and that Consumption has no capacity to interpret the decree that regulates the state of alarm in this regard. Thus, the informative note sent to the Autonomous Communities has limited itself to explaining the restrictions approved by the Government on March 14.
In no case the impossibility of the administration to process claims entails loss of rights: when suspended, the claim deadlines are frozen until the end of the alarm state, at which time they will be reactivated keeping the rights and pending times intact. In this way, the Government guarantees that no consumer and user (without internet access at home, for example) is limited in their rights and guarantees.
Promotion of agreements
The ministry also recalls that the Council of Ministers approved on March 31 an important package of initiatives of the Royal Decree-Law by which urgent complementary measures are taken in the social and economic field to face the COVID- 19. All of them are focused on alleviating the consequences of the declaration of the state of alarm on consumers and users.
With this, the Government seeks that the agreements between companies and consumers prevail at all times to avoid economic damages, but it establishes a series of terms so that, in the absence of an agreement option, the rights of consumers and users are perfectly guaranteed.