La vicesecretaria de Política Social, Cuca Gamarra

The Deputy Secretary for Social Policy, Cuca Gamarra, has pointed out today that the minimum income is "an imitation" of the measures that the PP began to apply in the CCAA years ago and has opted for the proposal of Casado to create "a social card that encompasses all aid from local, regional and national administrations ”. In this sense, he regretted that this income, which is necessary for families without recourse, has been approved without the necessary coordination with the Autonomous Communities.
Likewise, Gamarra has stressed that the future of Spaniards has to go through the maintenance and creation of jobs and not a minimum income as the only guarantee for the future. In his opinion, it is necessary to introduce economic and support measures for the industry ”to avoid situations such as those that are occurring with the closure of NISSAN and Alcoa.
The President of the Government, Gamarra said, has deceived the workers and families of these two companies when he pledged months to fix this situation. “The demonization of the left to the motor industry, a repeal of the labor reform agreed with Bildu and threats of nationalizations have dire consequences for our economy and employment. So who is going to want to invest in Spain? What company is going to want to stay in our country? He asked himself.
Gamarra has made these statements after the meeting chaired by Casado to the AVT where they have agreed on the concern about the possible transfer of ETA prisoners and that Bildu has become one of Pedro Sánchez's preferred partners.

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