He explains that “the PP will defend“ politically and legally the freedom of education that the Constitution enshrines in its article 27 and that the TC supports ”

The Deputy Secretary of Social Policies of the Popular Party, Cuca Gamarra, has expressed the commitment of the Popular Party to concerted education and has ensured that the PP will defend “politically and legally the freedom of education that the Constitution enshrines in its article 27 and that the TC supports ”, after the questioning that the Government of the PSOE has made of the concerted education.

“We reject the control that the PSOE wants to exercise over the educational offer by restricting social demand and questioning school concerts. The education of the children is chosen by the parents, ”he emphasized.

In a meeting held on Friday with members of the Concapa, CECE, Catholic Schools, FSIE and USO in Logroño, accompanied by the president of the PP of La Rioja, José Ignacio Ceniceros, Cuca Gamarra recalled that the PP has always supported “the great agreement constitutional that guarantees the freedom of parents to choose the education of their children and that the Socialists have questioned ”

“The freedom of choice of education, constitutionally consecrated, can not be on the single offer planned by the State as intended by the left. That is why concerted education and the defense of the social demand that it has are fundamental, ”he stressed.

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