The VOX senator for Andalusia, Jacobo González-Robatto was very critical of the position of the Popular Party towards the self-employed today, during the Plenary Session of the Senate, after on January 18, the Popular Parliamentary Group reject a VOX amendment in which it was requested that the quota for the self-employed whose activity has been affected by the pandemic be eliminated. "That day we reproached them for drowning the self-employed," he pointed out.
“You, as has become customary, rejected our amendment. Curiously, that same day, you registered this motion. In other words, they carry the opposite by default, ”explained González-Robatto, referring to the Motion that was being debated, and that the popular ones had presented.
“What the self-employed need, from the beginning, is to be paid a salary when they are prevented from working. As VOX requested on day one of the State of Alarm, ”González-Robatto recalled, who has also reproached the PP for not joining that request. "As long as they continue to support this Government, they are against the self-employed, and, of course, they will face us," the senator warned, who pointed out that the PP "is not an ally of the self-employed", but rather is «Enemy, like the Government», before which the popular «have bowed».
PP and PSOE, partners in Ceuta
At this point, the Senate has exemplified with the recent refusal of the PP to negotiate the budgets of Ceuta with VOX: «While our representatives have tried to ensure that the superfluous spending went, to a large extent, to the 'Ceuta Resiste' Plan to help the self-employed, small businesses and those most affected by the pandemic and its consequences, you have agreed with the socialists a budget that maintains its expenses as if the Coronavirus had not existed.
For the senator, this situation has occurred because the PP, like the Government, "are not interested in the Spanish who are suffering." “That is why you are the ministry of the opposition. Submissive to the Government of Pedro Sánchez and Pablo Iglesias, "he argued.
On the other hand, «the government that you protect has some partners that less than a month ago it occurred to him to activate an aid of 2,000 euros for freelancers, with a budget of 20 million, which means that only 10,000 freelancers would have the right to this aid ”, criticized the senator, who has described that aid as“ insufficient ”. "In addition, it was planned to grant aid in order of arrival, turning it into a kind of struggle between people in need," he denounced.