Health and Education finalize the guide of recommendations for the 2020-21 academic year after the contribution of the autonomous communities

The document offers a common framework that can be adapted in each autonomous community and implemented according to the reality of each educational center and its local context.

The draft document was presented at the Education Sector Conference held on June 11 so that the Autonomous Communities could study it and make their contributions and comments. After receiving the suggestions of several ministries, both Ministries have worked on finalizing the guide, which has been sent to the different Ministries of Education.

The recommended hygiene and prevention measures are established around four basic principles: contact limitation, personal prevention measures, cleaning and ventilation, and case management, and are articulated through transversal actions, such as the reorganization of centers and the communication.

These measures will be updated when necessary, if changes in the epidemiological situation of COVID-19 so require.

Interpersonal distance and groups of stable coexistence

Regarding the limitation of contacts, the document recalls the obligation to maintain, in general, a safety distance of 1.5 meters between people.

In the case of Infant and Primary Education, you can choose the alternative of establishing stable groups of coexistence of between 15 and 20 students, whose members could interact without having to maintain interpersonal distance, and avoiding contact with other groups. This alternative would also facilitate traceability in case of contagion.

The text recommends this option preferably for Infant and 1st and 2nd Primary students, since at these ages it is difficult to maintain a safe distance.

The Ministries of Education may make the maximum number of students flexible to form these groups, provided that the health authority of said Autonomous Community authorizes it.

It is also recommended to prioritize outdoor activities, stagger the entrances and exits and recess times, or design other organizational measures to avoid crowds and minimize the number of student groups traveling around the center.

Mask from 6 years

Among personal hygiene measures, in addition to frequent and meticulous handwashing, the use of disposable tissues is recommended and, when coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with your elbow flexed.

As for the masks, their use is not mandatory for Infant students. Nor is it for primary school students, provided they are in the stable coexistence group. When they are not, they will be if the safety distance of 1.5 meters cannot be maintained. As of Secondary Education, its use is also obligatory if this distance cannot be maintained. From 6 years, it will also be compulsory in school transportation.

In the case of teachers, its compulsory use is recommended, provided that the safety distance cannot be maintained. Infant and Primary tutors may dispense with them when they are within their stable coexistence group. The document generally recommends the use of hygienic type masks and, whenever possible, reusable.

In addition, each center will have a cleaning protocol that corresponds to its characteristics and that will include cleaning and disinfection at least once a day of the facilities (and at least 3 in the case of the toilets), with special attention to common areas and more frequent contact surfaces such as door knobs and handrails. The guide also recommends frequent ventilation, of at least 5 minutes (10 minutes if the room has been used previously), at the beginning of the day, at the end of the day and between classes, whenever possible. When weather conditions and the building allow it, it is advisable to keep the windows open as long as possible.

Case management

In the event that a person develops symptoms compatible with the Covid-19, they will be taken to a separate space for individual use, a surgical mask will be placed (both on the person with symptoms and the person in their care) and the family will be contacted.

It is recommended to call the health center or the reference phone number of your autonomous community or city, and / or its Occupational Risk Prevention Service in the case of workers, and their instructions will be followed. In case of presenting symptoms of severity or respiratory distress, call 112.

Public Health will be in charge of identifying and monitoring contacts according to the surveillance and control protocol in force in the corresponding community.

The Autonomous Community will assess the actions to follow in the event of an outbreak.

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