Both institutions have committed, by signing this new agreement, to maintain the realization of the annual study that analyzes the economic sentiment and growth forecasts of Spanish businessmen and executives.

Antonio Garamendi highlighted “The importance of giving continuity to this line of collaboration due to the growing need to provide rigorous and quality information among all, like the one offered by the KPMG reports, in order to anticipate scenarios and make the right economic decisions. ”

For his part, Hilario Albarracín, president of KPMG in Spain, said that “with this agreement we reaffirm our commitment to promote a constructive debate around the challenges facing Spanish companies in the economic context of the 21st century and the opportunities that they envision in the digital economy. In a moment of rapid transformation and great uncertainty like the current one, it is essential to give voice to companies and generate spaces for analysis that allow us to push their evolution over time. ”

The successive editions of Perspectives Spain have allowed to draw the trajectory of Spanish business sentiment over the last decade, from the great crisis to the current situation.

Both CEOE and KPMG have a solid track record in the preparation and dissemination of reports on various issues related to the economic situation, management trends and other aspects related to business activity.

About Perspectives Spain

Perspectives Spain is an annual report – previously biannual – made by KPMG in Spain since 2009 that reflects the opinion of Spanish businessmen and executives on the current economic situation and their short and medium term prospects. It is based on a survey carried out in the three months prior to the publication of the conclusions, which includes some recurring issues of a general nature on economic and business management expectations, and other specific ones depending on the situation.

The fifteenth edition of the report, published in March 2019, reflected the responses of more than 1,000 entrepreneurs and managers of Spanish companies belonging to more than 20 sectors.

Access here to the last edition of the report and here to download photos of the agreement signature

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