Murcia, May 15, 2020.- According to an Order of the Ministry of Health published this Tuesday May 12 in the Official State Gazette (BOE), which will be effective from today and will be in force during the state of alarm and its possible Extensions, travelers who come to Spain from abroad must be quarantined for 14 days after arrival.
Given this measure that the Government of Spain has approved to quarantine anyone who comes to our territory, and whose origin is from any foreign country, Lourdes Méndez, National Deputy, has submitted the following question to the Government of Sánchez and Iglesias for which it requests a written response: "What is the reason why they have stabbed the heart of our tourism, forcing a quarantine of everyone who lands from outside Spain? ”.
In addition, Méndez has formulated this question: "Are there no other solutions, such as carrying out a test on all people who land in Spain, avoiding irreparable damage to our tourism, a sector that will suffer the pandemic in a tremendous way ? ”.