11-09-2019 | Cs

The Congress rejects, with the votes against PSOE, nationalists, Podemos and Vox, a Cs initiative to homogenize the contents of the test

The spokeswoman of the CPGs in the Commission of Education and Professional Training of the Congress, Marta Martín, said this afternoon at the Plenary Session that "it is common sense" that the contents, rates and correction systems of the Selectivity "are common to all students in Spain ”. "That there is only one test of Selectivity for all Spaniards is also justice," Martin recalled, while stressing that it is a claim that Cs "has been doing since 2017".

The Congress, in particular, has rejected – with the votes against PSOE, nationalists, Podemos and Vox – an initiative of the GPCs to open a negotiation “with autonomous communities and the educational community to promote the implementation of a system of evaluation of the baccalaureate of access to the homogeneous university that guarantees content equality and corrects territorial mismatches ”. The rejected initiative also urges "to harmonize the amount of tuition fees in all autonomous communities."

Martín has also explained that the non-law proposal “embodies two issues that are in the DNA of Citizens: the defense of equality between the Spaniards”; and the vision that "education is the most important public policy and not a currency of exchange with which to negotiate and yield as PSOE and PP have done for 40 years."

In this sense, Martin has pointed out that "territorial inequality is the main attack on freedom", and that "immense respect for the equality that Cs has unfortunately lost bipartisanship long ago". "It was probably lost in the 90s, when Gonzalez agreed with CiU and PNV, when Aznar closed the Majestic pact with Pujol and when Zapatero relied on ERC and PNV." "PSOE and PP were gradually giving up in each of these negotiations but it has been in this legislature, with the arrival of Sanchez, when the PSOE has hit the accelerator and has finally renounced equality," said Martin.

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