More than 300 Spaniards offer their accommodation to other Spaniards stranded abroad through "Aloja", the new platform launched by Foreign

Since the Aloja platform was created on April 3, more than 40 daily offers of accommodation have been registered, figures that testify to the great solidarity of Spaniards abroad with respect to their compatriots in difficulty. In absolute terms, in addition to the almost 350 people who have offered their address, ALOJA has registered a total of 260 people who have registered in search of accommodation through this platform, managing to connect 57 people for this purpose so far. The countries in which the highest supply has been registered have been the United States, Morocco and Germany, while the countries in which the most requests have been made are Australia, Peru and the Philippines.

People who wish to offer or request accommodation must fill out a simple form with the basic information regarding their home and their situation through the following web link:

In this sense, ALOJA is limited to facilitating the meeting between Spanish residents abroad and tourists in need, and all subsequent contact is limited to the private sphere.

At the same time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Union and Cooperation, through its network of Embassies and Consulates, continues to maintain contact with all Spanish citizens who are abroad and wish to return to Spain, to find a solution to their situation. .

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