Spain and Mauritania stress the importance of reaching a satisfactory fishing agreement with the European Union

The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, has finished his work visit to Mauritania, where, invited by his counterpart, Nani Ould Chrouga, Minister of Fisheries and Maritime Economy of the Republic of Mauritania, has remained on the 8th and March 9, accompanied by the Secretary General of Fisheries, Alicia Villauriz.

During his stay, Luis Planas has held meetings with the President of the Republic, Mohamed Ould Cheikh Ghazouani and with Prime Minister Ismail Ould Bode Ould Cheikh Sidiya.

Together with the Minister of Fisheries and Maritime Economy of the Republic of Mauritania, Minister Planas has also chaired a working meeting with the members of the delegations of both countries, in which the status of bilateral cooperation between Mauritania has been reviewed and Spain. In this meeting both ministers have expressed their willingness to develop, in the mutual interest of both countries, the following aspects:

  • Training and qualification in the maritime and fishing sector
  • Strengthen Spain's position on fisheries and address the concerns of the Spanish fishing industry that operates in Mauritania.

Ministers have pointed out the importance of the current negotiation of the Mauritanian and European Union fisheries agreement for both countries. They have expressed interest in reaching a satisfactory agreement for both parties as soon as possible.

Within the framework of the working days, Minister Luis Planas has visited, together with his Mauritanian counterpart, the National Society of Fish Distribution (SNDP) and the Center for Qualification and Training of Fisheries Trades of the Naval Academy , to know in situ the activities of these institutions.

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