It is surprising that a country where there is a relatively small Spanish community, of just under 40,000 officially Spaniards, according to data from the Consulate of the Kingdom of Spain in Bogotá, there has been so much interest towards the phenomenon that VOX is signifying, something similar to what has occurred in Spain and that have turned a newly released political force on the scene into the third electoral force and growing. It is a reality that many young people who are disenchanted by the course of events in Spain approach with great interest.
On the other hand, there is something really unexpected, at least for me, and it is the notable interest on the part of the Spanish in Colombia towards the VOX movement and what it meant to be innovative, having received a very high volume of calls, emails in my account local, demands by people interested in joining the party and relevant news about our training in the local media. Also awakening a surprising interest in non-Spanish Colombians related to the ideology of VOX
In these months, almost three years of work, destroyed by the appearance of the pandemic motivated by covid-19 and the impossibility of meeting in person, as we did once a month without pause, we have managed to form a mixed group composed of two halves by Spaniards residing in Colombia, many for decades and others less, as is the case of the one who subscribes these lines, and other Colombians interested in our political organization.
Clearly, we are all united by the love for Spain and the defense of a collective project attacked, without mercy, it must be said, by a left that almost never had in its political creed the defense of the Spanish Nation and by a kind of A diverse coalition of separatist groups, increasingly stronger due to the weakness of our constitutional order when facing the new threats that hung over us, which clearly seek the destruction of Spain. A thousand years of history of our Nation, these groups claim, do not count when it comes to forging a homeland with deep European, Christian and Hispanic characteristics, a destiny that unites millions of Spaniards and that shapes a national and collective identity that does not we can leave adrift for the sake of spurious political interests.
A Nation that has been able to discover continents, to export its language and signs of identity beyond the seas and to build a community based on Hispanicity. Our signs are the fruit of a Spanish character built over the centuries, capable with its language and culture of generating great creators, thinkers, writers, artists, businessmen, painters and philosophers, along with countless other professions, which transcended in the world and gave us a universal dimension. Spain cannot be destroyed simply because a minority group in Spanish society has decided to do so without taking into account the antecedents described or the social majority contrary to its ideas.
This noble aspiration, to defend what is ours, has moved thousands of Spaniards, wherever they are and without distinction of sex, age, social or professional status, to take sides for ideas and a faith in a national project that millions already share. in Spain, either by participating in the party or by voting for Vox. The crisis suffered in Spain in recent years was not faced with enough energy, forcefulness and forcefulness on the part of the traditional parties at a time when this was required to give confidence and will to fight to millions of abandoned and confused Spaniards. cataract of confusing, clearly illegal and destructive events that happened (and do happen) without anyone doing anything at all.
In the same way, dozens of Colombians concerned about the situation in their country, where something similar to our "cowardly right" seems to be replicating from the highest responsibilities in their country, including their ineffable president, have approached us, they have written to us expressing their concern and interest in our project and they have even called us to show us their support and sympathy for the cause that we defend every day that passes with more zeal that is neither more nor less than that of a national project called Spain loaded with history, national emotion, shared values and principles. But also that it contains some unalterable signs over time and that have forged an unbreakable affinity and national unity, no matter how much some try to break them.
I end by recalling the words of the Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset for whom Spain is not an illusion, an abstract idea, but the incarnation of a universal destiny that has been embodied through concrete events and in a collective future full of experiences and efforts shared by all as a Nation. In my opinion, VOX arises from the need for a healthy, social and inclusive patriotism of all the peoples of Spain, and also those that today move that group of Spaniards and Colombians who, beyond the seas, claim their genuine Hispanic soul and the validity forever and ever of those genuine, authentic and sincere values.
Ricardo Angoso
VOX Colombia Coordinator