The Civil Guard dismantles an organization dedicated to the trafficking of human beings for the purpose of labor exploitation

5 people have been arrested and 3 searches have been made at homes and one at a management office

The victims, among whom are several women, in various situations of vulnerability, were mainly Moldovan, Romanian, Ukrainian, Maghrebian and sub-Saharan citizens.

The organization obtained up to 30,000 euros per month with the exploitation of these people

The Civil Guard, within the framework of the "Fruit" operation, carried out in Seville, has dismantled a criminal organization based in the Vega del Guadalquivir dedicated to the trafficking of human beings for the purpose of labor exploitation, favoring irregular immigration, false documents and money laundering.
The investigation began at the beginning of this year, after the Civil Guard became aware of the possible settlement of criminal organizations dedicated to labor exploitation in the countryside, in the area of ​​the Vega del Guadalquivir region.
After the first steps, the investigators were able to detect in the town of Brenes the activity of an organization led by a citizen of Romanian nationality that recruited immigrants in their countries of origin to transfer and introduce into national territory people who were insured a job on farms.
Once in our country, the victims handed over their documentation and were housed in homes in subhuman conditions where they were subjected to strict control.
Likewise, these people were forced to work long hours, for which they did not receive or received meager salaries that barely served to cover their own maintenance. In addition, the organization obtained important benefits thanks to the rents that these people were forced to pay for their accommodation in the organization's flats.
In the cases in which the immigrants tried to escape from this situation, the leader of the organization refused to return the documentation, even threatening them so that they would not go to the authorities to report their situation.
Likewise, the organization used the identities it obtained from the victims to create societies without their knowledge, through which they channeled the profits obtained, which amounted to up to 30,000 euros per month. In addition, they had a local advisory service that facilitated the procedures, falsifying the documentation with which they justified the movements of money from the bank accounts.
It should be noted that the network was international in nature since it had abundant infrastructure in third countries, in which it would invest a large part of the profits.
The operation has been carried out by the Information Group of the Command of the Civil Guard of Seville, which has had the support of Central Units of the Information Service, other Units of the Command of Seville and of the Command of Córdoba.
For more information, you can contact the Peripheral Communication Office of the Civil Guard of Seville, on the phone 954 23 53 22.


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