The VOX senator for Murcia, José Manuel Marín, today criticized the inequalities in Spain to take the Baccalaureate Assessment tests for University Access (EBAU). «This year 2020, while for 36.5% of the Baccalaureate students the promotion and qualification criteria established by the Ministry during the state of alarm have governed (students could take the EBAU with failed subjects), for 63 , 5% have prevailed the criteria of the current LOMCE ».
During his intervention in the debate on the Motion urging the Government to promote the implementation of a single test throughout the National Baccalaureate Assessment for University Access, the senator has denounced that the students of Andalusia, the Community of Madrid, Catalonia, the Basque Country and Murcia have had it more difficult, because in their communities they should have everything approved to obtain the title, as determined by the LOMCE.
Marín has referred to the Conference of Rectors (CRUE), which last year created the working group to achieve a more homogeneous selectivityandnea in Spain, at the same time that the Minister of Education, Isabel Celaá, announced the creation of a technical working group to correct these disparities and incidents, since she recognized “different difficulties”.
The senator has criticized the existence of 17 different EBAUSs and has listed the differences between them:
- Denomination. EBAU, EvAU, PevAU, PAU. The name differs according to the Region. By selectivity all are understood.
- Castilla y León has made the flag of a unique EBAU. Consider that others set the bar lower.
- This year we add the fact that some students have been able to go to their centers for more days to review and express their doubts to their teachers, due to the different rhythms of the educational de-escalation. The first to join were Galicians and Basques, on May 25.
- Evaluation. 63.5% of students are governed this course by the Lomce and the rest, by the order that does not make it necessary to have all approved to achieve the title.
- Some patterns are repeated in all communities (you cannot go with a companion, there will be no cliques), but others vary. In Madrid the distance between posts is one meter, not two, and one mask will be used per test and in Andalusia the exams will pass quarantine before being corrected.
- Venues and dates. The EBAU will be held in universities, but also in institutes and sports centers (Asturias). In the Valencian Community, each one in its center. In Navarra and Catalonia, in a different one. The duration varies from three to five days
- Last year a difference of 60 euros was detected according to the community. This year in La Rioja you don't pay.