Half a thousand people have attended this Sunday the event organized by VOX in the Plaza del Carmen in Granada for the defense of constitutional legality in which a manifesto and articles of the Constitution threatened by the social-communist government of Pedro Sánchez have been read, Pablo Iglesias and Arnaldo Otegi.

Francisco José Ocaña, VOX deputy in the Andalusian Parliament, has been in charge of reading the manifesto in defense of constitutional legality and the Parliamentary Monarchy as guarantees of unity, coexistence and prosperity. Subsequently, elected and organic officials of VOX have recalled articles 1, 2, 3, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 27, 30, 31, 35, 43, 50, 56, 117, 122 and 139 of the Spanish Constitution.

Manifesto in defense of constitutional legality throughout Spain:

«We commemorate the sovereign decision of the Spanish people to give continuity to our History and to take the Parliamentary Monarchy as a guarantee of unity, coexistence and prosperity. Today all these pillars are threatened by a traitorous government that, supported by separatists and terrorists, intends to end our constitutional system to replace it with a new regime.

A new regime that wants to oppress Spaniards through totalitarian laws that threaten the deep freedoms of man and that seek to lead our children to be educated according to the unique thought of the radical left.

A regime whose sense of justice is to reward and enrich its protégés instead of giving each one his due. Who has punished the middle classes and condemned millions of families to ruin while they remain protected behind the high walls of their mansions.

A regime based on inequality, which increases every day the differences between Spaniards from different territories, between the countryside and the city, between the poor and the rich, between the privileged on the left and a majority of abandoned Spaniards.

A regime that, with the collaboration of the mainstream media, pursues any dissent and its own thoughts, monitoring what Spaniards think, what they say and what they do.

We will never allow them to implement their new totalitarian regime.

There is a majority of Spaniards who love their homeland and are willing to defend it. Today we give a voice to millions of compatriots denouncing and pointing to a government that, surrendered to separatism and the successors of ETA, has as its main objective the destruction of the Crown, symbol of the unity and permanence of Spain, and our constitutional system.

For Spain, freedom and constitutional legality.



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