VOX Jóvenes Ceuta has completed its campaign to collect school supplies with the delivery of what was donated by many Ceuta to Cáritas Diocesana. Its director in Ceuta, Manuel Gestal, has been in charge of receiving this material that will soon be distributed among families with few resources and for whom this 'back to school' is being especially hard due to the economic crisis opened as a result of Covid-19 .
From pencil sharpeners to colored pencils, pencil cases, notebooks and even some books. The people of Ceuta have been very generous and have contributed all kinds of material to this initiative of the young people of VOX that has been carried out throughout the month of September and which will allow many schoolchildren to have material that, otherwise , they couldn't get. This is what Manuel Gestal has pointed out, who expressed his desire that "I wish there were more initiatives like this".
"We collect everything that comes to us to give it to those who need it and I wish there were many campaigns like this because the pandemic is hitting very hard and there are many people who are having a very bad time," Gestal stressed. As he explained, this "back to school" is being complicated because there are families who to buy books and materials have to subtract money from their shopping cart.
VOX Ceuta thanks those who have contributed the donations made and the president of the party, Juan Sergio Redondo, has highlighted how generous the Ceuta people have been. "It has been a nationwide campaign, which has had a magnificent response in all the places where it has been carried out and in Ceuta as well, how could it be otherwise", said the leader of VOX Ceuta to add: "People it has turned, it has been supportive and for us it is a satisfaction, in addition to seeing the commendable work that they have done from the VOX Youth area with their coordinator, Romina Reyes, at the helm ”.
"From the Youth area we want to thank the people of Ceuta who, by contributing their grain of sand, are going to make many children happy," Reyes said. The youth coordinator of VOX and of this campaign has described it as "satisfactory" in being able to contribute to making this "back to school" less harsh for many Ceuta.