The president of VOX Castellón and deputy spokesperson for the Parliamentary Group VOX Valencian Community, Plains Massó, has seconded this morning the protest called by the Castellón Hospitality Association (Ashocas) and ASHOTUR, Castellón Provincial Association of Hospitality and Tourism Entrepreneurs, after the harsh restrictions that the Government of the Generalitat is imposing on them and which is leading the ruin.

Llanos Massó has demanded from the Government of Ximo Puig the 16 million euros in direct aid that the sector needs to be able to move forward and face this terrible economic crisis. "The hotel industry has been suffering all the consequences of the pandemic since March and can no longer. Because it is not only the hospitality industry, but the entire service sector that is behind. They need direct help now. Specifically in Castellón 16 million euros from the regional budgets, where there is money to spare if the Consell cuts all superfluous and ideological spending and reduces the size of the Administration as requested VOX”.

Massó has continued saying: “The hospitality industry is Death wound and we need the Consell to step forward, give it these direct aid and, above all, that it apply tax breaks, because on top of that they have closed businesses they are drowning in taxes”.

The provincial president of VOX has been accompanied during the protest by members of the Committee Provincial Executive, as well as by the mayor of VOX in Villarreal, Irene Herrero.

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