Madrid, June 14, 2019. –

The spokesman of the Parliamentary Group VOX, Iván Espinosa de los Monteros, has presented in the Register of the Congress of Deputies a urgent inquiry in which it demands to the Government in functions that acts in 'defense and safeguard' of the independence of the Spaniards and of the national sovereignty in the conformation of municipal governments, after the declarations of the Government of France relative to the Spanish national policy.

This Friday sources of the French presidency – the Secretary of State for European Affairs, Amelié de Montchalin, in particular, have broken into the municipal negotiations by stating that "a common platform between Citizens and the far right (in reference to VOX) would question political cooperation to constitute a renewed centrist group in the European Union." In addition, the Elysee has recognized that "look at the Spanish political situation with attention because Citizens is today a central partner (in the European Parliament)" and that "any background work with the extreme right (sic) is very serious and France will not have complacencies with those approaches. "

Following these statements, the G.P. VOX calls on the Government of Pedro Sánchez to "explain the measures it will take so that the Spanish organizations that, apparently for the aforementioned statements could act at the dictation of foreign governments, clarify such relationships, agreements and dependence of different nature that could be marking his performance in Spain under the orders or pressure of foreign powers. "

It is not the first time that the French president, Emmanuel Macron, uses his position to try to interfere in the Spanish internal politics, in accordance with the ideas, including threats expressed in diverse forums on the part of members of his Executive, "with the intent direct and clear to influence the conformations of Government and with the clear intention to limit, or even to prohibit, the participation of legal Spanish political parties ".

In this sense, the parliamentary spokesman of VOX, Iván Espinosa de los Monteros, recalled that "public international law establishes the principle of nonintervention or interference" that supposes, among other issues, non-interference in the internal affairs of another country and stresses that "Spain is a sovereign country so only Spaniards are entitled to participate in public affairs in Spain."

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