The VOX spokesperson in the Zaragoza City Council, Julius calvo, considers that the Zamoray-Pignatelli Special Protection and Improvement Plan (PEPM) is "magnificent on paper", given that "municipal technicians have extraordinary experience in planning".
Now, despite the fact that "the document is very good", it is time to move "from the muses to the theater" and for the municipal corporation to be able to "start it up." “They have written us a magnificent play; and now the theater company has to put it into practice ”. For this it will be necessary equip it with "economic and technical means".
At the same time, Julio Calvo insists that "urban degradation is not corrected only with urban instruments", but "we must also restore public order”. In order to avoid social conflicts and curb crime, Calvo is in favor of “increasing the police force at night”.