December 01, 2020
The spokesperson for VOX in the General Meeting of the Principality, Ignacio Blanco, urges the Principality to open the hotel business “immediately” complying with the mandatory sanitary conditions. In this sense, the spokesman recalls that it is a request that VOX Asturias already transferred to the rest of the parliamentary groups in the Asturian Parliament on November 12 and that, in the last plenary session, held on November 25, it was rejected by the Asturian left. This is how Ignacio Blanco transferred it to the women locked up in the Church of San Juan in Mieres whom he visited to learn about their demands first-hand. "They have transferred us the state in which they are, both financially and emotionally, because they cannot work. They just want to be able to go to their job, they claim their constitutional right and feed their children, ”says the spokesperson.
Likewise, Blanco, which extends the request for "immediate" opening to all sectors that have been forced to close by "whim" of the President of the Principality, Adrián Barbón, has called on the regional government to suspend any collection that affects the businesses and that, at the same time, urge the municipalities to implement the same measure, as well as the return of the amounts paid by said professionals since their constitutional right to work was limited.
“It is unacceptable that, due to unfounded political decisions, the right of every citizen to work is prohibited and in the meantime, they are required to continue paying taxes. The Government of Adrián Barbón imposes the lock on the premises and services, but does not implement measures to paralyze the charges. He has expropriated their way of life, but has not compensated them with anything, "concludes the spokesman.
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