Yesterday Sanchez apologized to the coup plotters and promised to continue with the Process.

Mr. Sánchez's infinite and unlimited craving for power leads him to sell everything, including the freedom and equality of the Spaniards.

The text of the joint Government-Generalitat statement borders the Constitution because what they are going to do is contrary to it.

We are going to set up a great project to strengthen democracy and constitutionalism in Catalonia.

Leaving Congress, the seat of national sovereignty, as Calvo did yesterday to negotiate national sovereignty with the coup plotters is a profound affront to the system.

Before there was democracy, Constitution, Law and Coexistence, and what there is now is a carpet. Yesterday what Sanchez did was apologize to the coup plotters and commit to them to continue with the Process.

Justice had defeated coup in the courts and what Sanchez has done is to resurrect it by granting moral and political victory to those who insist they would do what they did again: assault the legality.

In the joint communiqué the same term of the Transition Law is used that tried to liquidate democracy in Catalonia, which is “legal security” instead of Constitution. If the Government of Spain were committed to the Constitution, with the law in force, it would have said in that statement that it will only be done within the Constitution, but excludes and borders the Constitution because what they are going to do is contrary to the Constitution.

Before one of the operations of greater disloyalty and breaking the coexistence between Catalans and among the Spanish as a whole. What has the government done? Give them the reason and the moral and political victory of having done what they did.

The great defeated of this operation are the constitutionalists, specifically in Catalonia. That other half that is democratic, tolerant, that accepts the laws, that defends the Constitution and democratic values, where is it? Who represents it and who defends it? What we saw yesterday is the great farce. This is not a dialogue with Catalonia, but against half of Catalonia and against the Spain of 78.

Another of the great fallacies of this entire operation is to say that it was never spoken in Spain and that, therefore, it is the fault of the Spanish rule of law for not having spoken enough with nationalism.

Nationalism is a reactionary ideology, which seeks the exclusion of a part of the population that does not agree with its ideas. We are going to set up a great project to strengthen democracy and constitutionalism in Catalonia. Nationalism can be defeated at the polls.

Mr. Sánchez's infinite and unlimited desire for power leads him to sell everything, including the freedom and equality of the Spaniards at the altar of his personal power project.

The first obligation of the Vice President of the Government was to come to answer the main opposition group about the constitution of this table. Leaving the headquarters of national sovereignty to negotiate national sovereignty with the coup is a deep affront to the system and the Congress of Deputies.

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