MEP Jorge Buxadé appeared at a press conference this morning, following the meeting of the Political Action Committee. Before the media, Buxadé has assured that this training will not be inconvenient in sitting down to negotiate, facing the regional elections of Galicia and the Basque Autonomous Community, provided that the red lines of VOX are respected: Support the returns of competences in Health, Education and Justice to the State; Illegalization of the independence parties; suppression of autonomies; Elimination of illegal immigration and guarantee of linguistic equality.

"If those conditions are met," said the MEP, "our president will sit down to reach an agreement." In this regard, Buxadé has recalled that VOX cannot disappoint the four million voters who "expect us to be loyal to the electorate."

However, for the moment, this formation has not received the call of any political party, as Buxadé confirmed during his speech.

Regarding the possibility that some of the regional governments depend on VOX after the elections of April 5, Buxadé has advanced that “they should allow us to sit down and talk with an approach of maximums, not minimums”.

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