The CEOE General Secretary, José Alberto González-Ruiz, held a meeting last December 16 with his counterpart from Business at OECD, Russel Mills, during which the priorities of the Institution were analyzed, as well as the areas of improvement and Future prospects. During the day, Mills also met with representatives of CEOE organizations and numerous companies, during a meeting headed by the CEO of International CEO, Marta Blanco. The director of Public Policy and Internet of Telefónica and vice president of the Digital Economy Committee of Business at OECD, Christoph Steck; and the director of Institutional Relations of Repsol and vice president of the Committee on Investment and Good Organizational Practices, Ángel Bautista.

The Secretary General of Business at OECD, Russel Mills, highlighted during the various meetings that he maintained that Business at OECD priorities focus on digital innovation, work skills, economy and regulation, taxes, health, competitiveness, trade and investment, energy and environment, governance and small businesses. He also explained that the OECD has 200 committees and working groups, holds 2000 annual meetings, conducts 250 studies each year; It has issued 176 recommendations, 28 statements and has reached 14 agreements, among other tasks. Mills said 37 countries are members of the OECD, including Spain; and that the institution represents 62% of world GDP, 59% of exports, 61% of imports, 61% of foreign direct investment and 17% of the world population.

On the other hand, the general secretary of Business at OECD insisted that in order to make any decision or try to make any changes, it is essential to take into account the social impact and, therefore, people are the central axis to achieve sustainability and prosperity. Mills reported that the Institution works in various areas, such as preparing meetings, regional projects, dialogue with governments, high-level events or developing tools to further promote digital transformation, among other issues.

The CEO of International CEOE, Marta Blanco, highlighted during the meeting held by Rusell Mills with representatives of CEOE organizations and numerous companies, that the event represents an excellent opportunity to learn first-hand the work of Business at OECD, as well as the priorities of the CEOE partner organizations to contribute as much as possible to the work of Business at OECD. He also presented the Secretary General, Russel Mills, and stressed the importance of the Institution when acting at a very early stage of any negotiations or policies adopted.

Speed ​​of digital transformation

The director of Public Policy and Internet of Telefónica and vice president of the Digital Economy Committee of Business at OECD, Christoph Steck, said that one of the current priorities should be how to cope with the speed with which technological change occurs, since Not everyone gets adapted in the same way. He also suggested giving greater prominence to everything related to artificial intelligence and cybersecurity and insisted on involving the private sector in the BIAC from a much more global and not so sectoral point of view.

The director of Institutional Relations of Repsol and vice president of the Investment and Good Practices Committee of Business at OECD, Ángel Bautista, for his part, highlighted the important role that the Institution plays. After the interventions, an interesting discussion was held among the participants of the event, to learn more about the functions and the role that Business at OECD plays.

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