El secretario general, Teodoro García Egea, en rueda de prensa

Headlines of your telematic press conference:

• It transfers all the affection and solidarity to the families of the deceased and to all those affected by the coronavirus crisis and ensures that "the sick must be the absolute priority". In the same way, it sends a message of hope for everyone.

• Regrets the difficult times we are experiencing but ensures that "we will leave with unity, seriousness and rigor with the values ​​of the Spain of the windows, the Spain of applause, with an army of heroes with whom we are assuming a debt of gratitude" .

• Ask Sánchez to govern and provide solutions so that he urgently brings the massive tests and gives them to the population. "After a week and a half of alarm, he has to take action and stop making excuses," he says.

• "The Executive has taken the Single Command but is not providing solutions," he says.

• "The autonomous leaders of the PP in this crisis have always been ahead of the Government," he highlights.

• According to García Egea, the loyalty that the PP and all Spaniards have transferred to the Government in this crisis "is not reciprocal" and criticizes the "vacuum of responsibility" and Sánchez's lack of coordination when making decisions. "Lack of management and plenty of propaganda," he adds.

• "Be loyal, that is to say the truth"; But, he warns Sánchez that "do not confuse loyalty with complicity."

• "In the first week Pedro Sánchez has dedicated himself to putting Iglesias in the CNI instead of protecting the sectors most affected by the coronavirus," he says.

• Censorship that in the midst of a health crisis, government partners "overthrow" municipalities such as Estella (Navarra).

• It requires Churches to remove the "brochures" from the website of their Ministry that they charge against the PP.

• He insists that the Government will have "the PP at his side in the fight against the virus but he will have us face to face if he intends to take advantage of the circumstance to shield Churches in the CNI, support Estella's censure motion or propose pardons "

• The solidarity of the Spanish is our best shot: "we are setting an example from our balconies and houses". We are going to overcome this crisis with the values ​​that represent the Spain of the balconies ”, he stresses.

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