Grande-Marlaska presides over the commemorative act for the 175th anniversary of the Civil Guard Primer

The King, the President of the Government and the Presidents of Congress and the Senate, among other authorities and personalities, have congratulated the Civil Guard on the anniversary through videos and texts presented at the ceremony and which will be later disseminated through different channels.

Since its approval and publication in 1845, the Primer has been the code of ethics and conduct of the Civil Guard personnel

Grande-Marlaska stressed that the values ​​included in the Civil Guard's Booklet “are the same that build freer, fairer, more egalitarian and more democratic societies; tolerant societies that welcome the different, that defend human rights and protect all of us, but especially minorities and the most vulnerable groups "

The Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, chaired this Wednesday the ceremony to commemorate the 175th anniversary of the Civil Guard Primer, in which the general director of the body, María Gámez, also participated, and in which the videos and texts in which different authorities of the State, as well as civil personalities from various fields, congratulate the armed institute on the anniversary.

King Felipe VI has sent a letter congratulating the Civil Guard on the 175 years of life of its deontological text. The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has also been present at the event through a video on the one that congratulates the body for the validity of the Primer.
Grande-Marlaska, who has closed the event, has defined the Civil Guard Primer as an authentic ethical and deontological code of values ​​that last over time because "they are the same ones that build freer, more just, more egalitarian and more democratic societies ; tolerant societies that welcome the different, that defend human rights and protect all of us, but especially minorities and the most vulnerable groups ”.
"There surely lies the strength of the Civil Guard, which 175 years later has a powerful corporate identity that unites its members and allows Spanish society to identify it as the most highly valued, most admired and most loved institution" , added the Minister of the Interior.
Other authorities such as the president of Congress, MeritxelBatet; the president of the Senate, Pilar Llop; the Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles; the State Attorney General, Dolores Delgado; or the Secretary of State for Security, Rafael Pérez, have also sent congratulations to the Civil Guard on the birthday of the Primer.
Some of these messages have been known during the ceremony held at the General Directorate of the Civil Guard, as well as others sent to the body by different personalities from different fields such as business, the judiciary, victims of terrorism, literature, the media. communication, sports, culture or the third sector.
The general director of the Civil Guard, María Gámez, has stressed that the Duke of Ahumada with the Primer was able to give the newly created Corps 175 years ago distinctive signs -some values ​​and principles- that make it unique and recognizable by the public -it make 'reliable' – from its origin to today.
Likewise, he thanked all the personalities for their contribution so that this celebration has had such important and symbolic congratulations for the body, which will be disseminated through the media and social networks and will be reflected in a book.


The Civil Guard Primer was published in December 1845, during the reign of Isabel II. Drafted by the founder of the corps, the Duke of Ahumada, it has served as a service guide and deontological code for all its members. Originally known as the “road booklet”, a copy is delivered to every civil guard, who is obliged to know all its articles by heart and to comply with them.
The articles include aspects such as the moral and behavioral principles that a civil guard must respect, as well as more specific questions of services related to fishing, hunting, weapons, gambling, driving prisoners, caring for the mountains. and groves, among many other aspects.
The Booklet also includes models of the action forms as a procedural practicum, which is why it is considered the first systematized guide to police actions.


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