Javier Maroto atiende a los medios de comunicación en Oviedo

The popular spokesman denounces the bad policies of the PSOE, which is putting hundreds of jobs in this sector at serious risk

The spokesman of the Popular Group in the Senate, Javier Maroto, has asked the Government of Sanchez to take the necessary measures to ensure the survival of the electro-intensive sector in Asturias, Galicia and all of Spain and has advanced that the PP will take the Plenary Session of the Senate This problem.

During his visit to Oviedo with the mayor of the city, Alfredo Canteli and the GPP spokeswoman at the General Meeting of the Principality of Asturias, Teresa Mallada, the PP spokesman has denounced that “the bad policies of the PSOE, the lack of leadership of its leaders, who submit to Sanchez without questioning and the lack of fulfillment of Sanchez's promises in an election campaign, are putting into serious irrigation hundreds of jobs in a sector that is vital. ”

Maroto has stressed the need to “lower the taxes suffered by electricity and that makes it impossible for many intensive companies to be competitive. If Sánchez does not look at Asturias and Galicia with a little more love, he will be generating a serious problem for these Autonomous Communities. ”

The spokesman for the popular in the Upper House has said that "President Sánchez has shown that Asturias cares very little and only cares about the communities from which he obtains votes from the independentists." “For Sanchez, the important part is the part of Catalonia that is independentist because it gives votes and Autonomous Communities like Asturias does not give it importance, especially since it has here a leader of the PSOE that does not open the peak in Madrid and says amen to everything Sanchez says, unlike what happens with the PP, who hears what Asturias says from Genoa Street. ”

On the other hand, Maroto has ensured that the Popular Party "takes in the genes" the creation of employment and the maintenance of jobs. For this reason, he affirmed that “today we have come to listen to the representatives of the workers of the companies that suffer in the first person the detachment and unease of the Socialists with Asturias”.

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