- The objectives are to reinforce the research career, promote business leadership in R & D & I, promote excellence and respond to society's challenges
- This document and the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation are an essential part of the reform process that the Government is carrying out
The First Vice President, Minister of the Presidency and Government Spokesman, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, has chaired this morning, at the La Moncloa Complex, the meeting of the Government Delegate Commission for Scientific, Technological and Innovation Policy in which He has favorably informed the Spanish Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation, and the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation.
Both documents, which will be approved shortly by the Council of Ministers, have as their objective the recognition and promotion of talent in R & D & I and their employability; the impulse of business leadership in R & D & I; the promotion of scientific and technical research of excellence, and the promotion of R & D & I activities oriented to the global challenges of society. Both the Strategy and the Plan are an essential part of the National Government Reform Program, which seeks to boost competitiveness, stimulate growth and create jobs.
With the favorable report of the Delegated Commission for Scientific Policy, composed of the holders of eight ministries, this necessary reform for Spanish science begins. The 2013-2020 Strategy contains the objectives, reforms and measures that must be addressed in the field of R & D & I to enhance its growth and impact, while the 2013-2016 Plan specifies the actions of the General State Administration, establishing scientific-technical and social priorities and the distribution of resources.
The Spanish Strategy also represents an important step in the construction of the European Research and Innovation Area. With the entry into force of both documents, one year before the European program 'Horizon 2020', the agents of the Spanish R & D & I System will have the ideal framework to promote collaboration with the rest of Europe, since the Strategy and the Plan align with the objectives set by 'Horizon 2020'.
The Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, through the Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation, has promoted this Strategy, the result of collaboration and consensus among the different ministries, the Autonomous Communities, the scientific and research community, the universities and business and social agents. In addition, both documents have had wide public participation.
The Spanish Strategy for Science and Technology and Innovation is based on a diagnosis of the Spanish R & D & I System in recent years, which derives the need to gain efficiency and increase social and economic benefits. Consequently, R & D & I activities will be promoted throughout their journey, from the generation of ideas to their commercialization in the market.
Financing agents
The State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation, meanwhile, is the instrument through which the General State Administration develops the objectives of the Strategy, whose actions within the framework of the Secretary of State for R & D & I they will be executed by the funding agencies included in the Law of Science, Technology and Innovation, particularly by the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) and by the future State Agency for Research.
You can download images of the meeting at the following link: