Onofre Miralles Martín, spokesperson for the VOX Municipal Group in the Granada City Council, has urged the mayor of the city, Luis Salvador, to put himself to work for the well-being of the residents so that the thousands of people from Granada economically and socially affected by the COVID19 pandemic can hopefully face their future and that of their families.

The Municipal Group of VOX, by means of a question for its verbal answer formulated in the ordinary plenary session of November that has been celebrated today, insists that “the mayor is spokesman in the Governing Board of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) , and there is no known achievement for the city for holding this position other than the photos on its social networks and the occasional empty speech and propagandist in order to deceive the residents of Granada, since it announced in the media 27 millions of the FEMP for the city and this money has not arrived nor is it expected. I should leave the FEMP ».

“In view of the response received by VOX to the question presented in the plenary session in the past and as it does not reflect any direct and objective achievement for the city to date, we have no choice but to insist to the mayor that he, his seven lieutenants as mayor and the rest of the councilors of the municipal government put aside their egos and fulfill their obligations to get Granada out of economic ruin.

The spokesperson for the Municipal Group of VOX, on the other hand, has also asked the Granada councilor that "when do they plan to approve budgets that reflect the problems of the sectors most affected by the COVID19 crisis such as sports, taxi, commerce, services, and so many other businesses that are going through a crisis that is difficult to overcome if the mayor and his acolytes do not stop acting as if they were in a royal court, because the reality is that they are public servants and that is how they should behave.

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