The Civil Guard intervenes more than 8,100 kilos of hashish in three actions in Cádiz

The Civil Guard has aborted three caches of hashish that were intended to be introduced along the coasts of Conil, Chipiona and Camposoto

11 people have been arrested and 3 boats used to transport drugs have been intervened

The Civil Guard has aborted the introduction of three caches along the coast of Cádiz, seizing three semi-rigid boats, a total of 225 bundles, gasoline jugs, two GPS, two outboard motors and a vehicle used to transport the bundles. Likewise, 11 people have been arrested.

The events have taken place in recent days when the Civil Guard detected three boats that were taking advantage of the storm that hit the coast to introduce two caches along the coasts of Conil de la Frontera, Chipiona and Camposoto.

The agents established, on the three occasions, a device to locate and intercept the vessels, since they could take advantage of the adverse weather conditions that are hitting the Cadiz coast in recent days to introduce a cache of drugs.
To do this, several Civil Guard patrols and a Maritime Service patrol boat traveled to the area, managing to abort the three caches.
As a result of the action, a total of 8,100 kilograms of hashish have been intervened, distributed in 65, 76 and 84 bundles.


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