The Government starts work to approve the III Equality Plan in the General State Administration

To begin the preparation of this Plan, which will have to be approved in the coming months, representatives from the Ministries of Territorial Policy and Public Function and Equality, headed by the Secretary General of Public Function, Javier Rueda, and the Undersecretary of Equality, Pedro Guillén.

Starting point for the III Equality Plan

The final follow-up report of the II Equality Plan, studies on the situation of women in the AGE, analyzes of the gender pay gap, in addition to the situation analyzes carried out specifically by each ministerial department, will be taken into consideration for the development of the III Plan, by way of diagnosis and assessment of axes to consolidate and reinforce, as well as new axes to incorporate.

Public Function has carried out a comparative analysis of the equality plans of the different public administrations, as well as within the framework of the EU, Council of Europe and the UN, in order to know good practices and measures adopted and that can be incorporated into the AGE.

In the elaboration of the III Equality Plan, all the agents involved in the ministerial departments will participate, including the human resources units, equality units, the Women's Institute and for Equal Opportunities, the Government Delegation for Gender Violence and union representatives.


To continue the promotion of equality between women and men and the elimination of any form of discrimination in the AGE, the measures already taken will be consolidated, the previous action axes will be reinforced and, if necessary, they will be expanded.

In the III Plan, the general, specific and operational objectives (results oriented) will be defined for each axis and measure or action proposed. Likewise, performance and impact indicators will be incorporated, which will allow evaluating the achievement of the objectives set, clearly defining the execution criteria to consider that a measure has been met.

On the other hand, a planning of the evaluation or follow-up of the execution of the plan will be established periodically, as well as a dissemination plan so that all AGE personnel know and be involved in the execution of the III Equality Plan.

New Plan at the beginning of each term

The approval of Organic Law 3/2007, for the effective equality of women and men, was a before and after in the development of active policies on the principle of equality. With this organic law, all kinds of actions aimed at enhancing real equality between women and men and combating manifestations of discrimination, directly or indirectly, on the grounds of sex were implemented.

The Law, in its article 64, contemplates the approval by the Government, at the beginning of each legislature, of a Plan for the Equality between women and men in the General Administration of the State and in its public organisms, that includes objectives to reach in matter to promote equal treatment and opportunities in public employment, as well as the strategies or measures to be adopted to achieve them.

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