• Regrets that the Minister of Finance ignored the requests for information in her appearance, avoiding the explanations that were requested about the content of the Stability Plan
The Popular Parliamentary Group, through various questions asked by the GPP deputy spokesman Mario Garcés, the budget spokesman, Víctor Píriz, and the deputy Miguel Ángel Paniagua, have asked the Government for explanations of the differences between their macroeconomic forecasts and those of the rest of national and international organizations, such as the Bank of Spain, AIREF, the International Monetary Fund or the European Commission itself.
In accordance with the forecasts included in the Stability Program and the National Reform Plan for 2020 sent to Brussels by the Government of Spain,
questions the executive about the suitability of the macroeconomic scenario, once the AIREF report has been known.
At the same time, it asks for explanations about the difference between the scenarios that the BdeE, the European Commission and Airef propose in their forecasts with respect to that reflected in the stability program of the Government of Spain.
Regarding the 2019 settlement, you are requested to give due explanations about the deviation that has occurred. In particular, they ask for explanations on whether the more than 17,000 million of deviation is the cost of those known as ‘social Fridays’ or ‘electoral Fridays’ of the previous Pedro Sánchez government.
Likewise, it questions the reasons that led the Minister of Finance to avoid exposing these provisions in the appearance that the Minister of Finance had in the Finance Commission of the Congress of Deputies.