The National Dramatic Center premieres "The bar that swallowed up all Spaniards", "a tribute to the courage to give yourself second chances"

Alfredo Sanzol directs his new play, a road play Inspired by the life of his own father that narrates the journey of a Navarrese priest who decides to secularize and rebuild his life

Next to Francesco Lane in the title role, Elena González, Natalia Huarte, David Lorente, Nuria Mencía, Jesús Noguero, Albert Ribalta, Jimmy Roca Y Camila Viyuela They play up to fifty different characters in this adventure that takes place in different corners of Spain, the United States and Italy

The new production of #Dramatic It can be seen between February 12 and April 4 at the Valle-Inclán Theater

The entrance The National Dramatic Center premieres "The bar that swallowed all Spaniards", "a tribute to the courage to give yourself second chances" was published first in National Dramatic Center.

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