The spokesman Miguel Lorenzo complains about a government of ‘I am going to’, “they will always do something that they never do, it is the Government of fuss and propaganda”
The spokesperson for Culture of the Popular Parliamentary Group in the Senate, Miguel Lorenzo, today asked the Government, through a motion in the Chamber's Culture Commission, to adopt a battery of concrete measures to promote and stimulate the cultural sector , "That the Government has abandoned."
The senator for A Coruña has highlighted the importance of culture and business activity in the sector and has recognized that it is "the one that has suffered the most from COVID, the first to be closed and will be the last to open" and yet , "There is no support for the sector so that they can open their doors."
In this sense, the popular senator Miguel Lorenzo has defended the demands of the sector, "we want to collect those voices that have expressed and have shown their indignation and concern about the abandonment of the Government, so that measures are taken to stimulate and develop the sector", has stated.
During his speech, the popular spokesman recalled some data on business activity in the field of culture, which represents a contribution to the Spanish economy of 3.2% of GDP and is a source of employment that employs 700,000 people, not counting indirect jobs and their connection with other areas such as the tourism industry, closely linked to cultural activities.
“We must stop talking and take action, because we have a 'I'm going to' government, they will always do something that they never do, because it is the government of fuss and propaganda; but of course it is not the one of the action or the one that gives answers to the citizens ”, the senator stressed, for whom this is being seen in the action of the Government and“ not only in the field of culture ”.
Miguel Lorenzo has explained that the first measure of the motion he has defended, requests to make 20% of the institutional advertising time available to the sector in the public media for information and the promotion of cultural activities. “It is about providing knowledge and what is happening in the cultural sector. Culture is safe and we must invite citizens to cultural events. " And he recalled that of the 75 measures of the Statute of the Artist approved two years ago, not even 10 percent of the measures it contained have been made.
At this point in his speech, he has complained about RTVE's treatment of culture and has proposed to carry out a campaign to promote cultural consumption, which also includes the digital offer and highlights the importance of accessing content through the legal offer of digital content. In this sense, he recalls that "the Government and RTVE have to be exemplary in respecting intellectual property."
Lorenzo has indicated that the PP also asks, in its motion, to incorporate into the functions of the network of economic and commercial offices of Spain abroad the promotion of Spanish cultural products, as well as the dissemination of incentives to audiovisual productions and He recalled that the video game sector is claiming the same tax treatment as the audiovisual sector, "It is a thriving sector, with a lot of talent and many young people" and has demanded tax incentives for the sector.
As the last point of the motion, the GPP Culture spokesperson has requested to redesign the calendar of national and international fairs and the actions of foreign promotion of Spanish culture, with special reference to the book sector whose Fairs have been canceled, and has done emphasis on "giving a voice to the publishing sector, which complains about the situation it is experiencing with the situation of obstacles to exports Argentina"
"Culture is a matter of State," he said, "it is Marca España and we must put words aside and move on to actions," he declared.
In the reply, he thanked the support of some groups for the motion and assured that "there is no uniformed culture, there is a Spanish culture"