San Fernando, December 7. The Salina San Vicente was small in capacity for the act in defense of the Spanish Constitution that VOX had organized in San Fernando and in which more than fifty people participated.

Despite having expanded with part of the outdoor terrace, the anti-COVID measures forced the organization of the event to apologize to the large number of islanders who came to the traditional island salt mine to participate in the event.

"We have been overwhelmed, we did not expect so much participation," explained the volunteers who at the entrance of the venue carried out the attendance control and took the temperature of all the attendees who were arriving at the event.

The event was chaired by Jesús Soto Benítez, local VOX coordinator and was attended by the island deputies Carlos Zambrano, who was in charge of reading the manifesto in defense of the Spanish Constitution, and Ángela Mulas who was in charge of opening the batch of reading the articles of the Spanish Constitution.

“Today more than ever it is necessary to defend the principles and values ​​of our Magna Carta threatened by a totalitarian government that aims to impose a totalitarian regime that wants to impose a single thought and has punished the middle classes and has condemned millions to ruin. of Spaniards ”, Zambrano denounced during his speech.

The VOX deputy has highlighted that with this act his formation aims to give a voice to millions of patriots who are seeing how in a few months this government is curtailing freedoms by negotiating with murderers and enemies of Spain.

At the end of the event, Zambrano dedicated a few words of gratitude to the residents of San Fernando who, despite having traveled to the salt mine, had not been able to participate in the event and regretted that for reasons beyond VOX's control, the event did not take place. been able to celebrate in the Plaza del Rey as planned.

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