The Municipal Group VOX in the City of Guadalajara has requested the Government team of the Arriacense consistory “The need for full representation of all political groups, clubs, cultural associations, athletes, and users of municipal facilities in the future Sports and Culture sector councils that are going to be created, to guarantee a real participation of the sectors of the Sports and the Culture of our city ".

This is how it has been transmitted the VOX spokesperson in the City Council of the capital, Antonio de Miguel, through the amendments and contributions registered by the Municipal Group VOX to the project-memory of dissolution, liquidation and integration of the Sports and Culture boards in the City of Guadalajara.

In these amendments, the training has requested "The creation of a working group with representation from all municipal groups to, together, provide an overall vision to the entire task of integrating such boards as municipal service", as well as the "urgent" call for a general table negotiation "to agree with the unions a transition that guarantees the same working conditions for the workers of both the Sports and Culture Boards and, of course, to know their formulas, needs, priorities and strategies."

In the words of the spokesperson for the Municipal VOX Group, Antonio de Miguel, "We once again insist on requesting from the PSOE and Ciudadanos Government team the greatest consensus, unity and the real, active, direct, deliberate and sincere participation of all Guadalajareños in decision-making and municipal politics".

"Integration is necessary to avoid administrative duplication"

The project for the dissolution, liquidation and extinction of the two boards of trustees and their integration into the Guadalajara City Council as a municipal service has the support of the VOX Municipal Group "Because from the first day that VOX arrived at this City Council, it has always sought to rationalize and streamline its organization and its resources to homogenize and seek a more optimal, sustainable, stable and effective management", specifies its spokesperson.

In particular, Antonio de Miguel explains that this integration process will involve "Raising the quality and management of the Sports and Culture of Guadalajara, as well as improving internal organization, as these boards had become a way of doing double management in many administrative, control, accounting and resource matters humans. It is necessary and urgent to eliminate the duplication of administrative tasks and considerably reduce bureaucracy ".

De Miguel adds that "At the current time of crisis, it is necessary to have austerity policies in public administrations, but also to have efficiency, and it is not possible to maintain organizations that involve unnecessary cost overruns and duplication of service contracts that do not benefit the people of Guatemala at all".

The VOX spokesperson believes that "This integration will bring many improvements to the people of Guatemala, to their Sport, to their Culture, as well as an improvement in remuneration and conditions for the staff of both boards and greater possibilities for promotion".

Finally, from the Municipal Group VOX "We want to thank all the human team that has worked on this project-memory so that a correct dissolution, liquidation, extinction and integration of the Boards as municipal service is possible".

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