Vox The Port has denounced that «the Government Team of PP and Citizens, seeking to rely on the regulations that the Government of the Nation has given to regulate the labor relations of workers employed by others, has issued a decree municipal by which this state regulation is unduly applied to the Public employees, what has caused bewilderment in the municipal staff ».

Thus, from Vox they explain that according to Royal Decree law 10/2020, a large part of the workforce has had the employment status of paid and recoverable leave, despite the fact that these workers are expressly excluded by the First Additional Provision of that Royal Decree Law.

The councilor Leocadia Benavente He denounces that "today, despite the request of the unions through different means for the municipal decree to be null and void, the mayor has looked the other way, and has neither revoked nor answered the writings that we have which it has received, for example from the CSIF union ”.

According to the mayor of Vox, the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Function has expressly clarified that RDL 10/2020 does not apply to staff official or labor of the Local Administration, so Germán Beardo he has perfect knowledge of the illegality of the measure. ”

The Federation of Municipalities and Provinces itself, of which Beardo is part as vice president of International Relations, has distributed a circular on the interpretation of RDL 10/2020 in which it is reported that the same it does not apply to officials or labor of the local administration. "Once again, the government team is manufacturing its own labor regulations, as it already did with the RPT, ignoring not only the municipal unions but the Ministry itself and the Federation of Municipalities and Provinces," denounces Vox.

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