Francisco José Ocaña, deputy of the VOX parliamentary group for Granada and spokesman for the Committee on Economy, Knowledge, Business and University, has requested the appearance of the counselor Rogelio Velasco to explain if the Government of the Junta de Andalucía has any plan before the announcement Airbus cut 630 jobs in Spain.

The aeronautics company has decided to restructure its Defense and Space division, an advertisement that is less alarming, since it represents 60% of the aeronautical business in Andalusia and could affect, in a very relevant way, 250 direct jobs in the factories that settle in Andalusia in El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz) and Seville. In addition, it will also harm companies that provide secondary services so that the damage to indirect employment could be much higher.

This situation is undoubtedly marked by the failure that represents the losses generated by the A-400M for being an uncompetitive aircraft and high maintenance cost with very little international sale and whose final assembly is fully developed in Seville.

From the VOX parliamentary group we do not understand that after the last contract agreed with India for the sale of 56 C-295 aircraft, considered Spanish own product developed by CASA for Airbus Spain and whose manufacture is carried out almost entirely (except avionics and engines which are of North American manufacture) between Seville and Cádiz with the final assembly in the factory that has Airbus in the Airport of Seville, the future dismissals announced by the manufacturer are not cushioned.

We also question whether behind this there is a gradual relocation in the manufacture and assembly of the successful C-295 since only the entire manufacturing in Andalusia has been agreed for the first 16 units and the rest, although manufactured in the region, would be assembled in India in a factory that will be built by the companies Airbus and Tata.

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