The VOX Parliamentary Group has registered in the Chamber a Non-Law Proposition to urge the Government of Cantabria to implement a line of economic aid aimed at ensuring the survival of workers, self-employed workers and entrepreneurs.

To, Cristóbal Palacio, VOX parliamentary spokesperson, "In the current moment of uncertainty and insecurity, both economic and social, in which we find ourselves, it is necessary for Public Administrations to act quickly and in a coordinated manner to be able to mitigate the negative effects" of the new restrictions on mobility, opening and capacity.

Along these lines, Palacio explained that his parliamentary group has designed a set of subsidies aimed at the self-employed and small companies to meet current expenses directly related to their activity, with a budget allocation of 10 million euros and a limit of 2,000 euros per applicant. The aid proposed by VOX includes the payment of expenses directly related to commercial activity (such as electricity supplies, telecommunications services or insurance premiums) and mortgage or personal loan installments and rent, in all cases from from November 1 to December 31.

To the VOX spokesperson, “The Government must be very quick to alleviate the effects that the new confinement will generate in our business fabric. We have to help them quickly and efficiently ”.

Likewise, VOX proposes to the Government to create a line of guarantees of another 10 million euros that facilitates the acquisition of stock, with a limit of 2,000 euros per applicant, as well as coordinating actions with the associations of entrepreneurs, freelancers and micro-companies in order to to carry out a real follow-up that allows to know first-hand and in real time the needs of the sector and to give a quick and effective response. According to Palacio, "We are forcing them to close down and we ask them for a sacrifice for the benefit of the rest of society, but the government has not stopped to think how it compensates for this sacrifice and how it prevents said sacrifice from ending in the closure of businesses"

"From VOX – has added – We cannot remain impassive in the face of the despair of millions of Spaniards who are in a situation of ruin and uncertainty, due to the disastrous health and economic management of the Government ”.

The VOX Parliamentary Group will present this Proposal No of Law next Monday 16 in the plenary session of Parliament. Before, over the next week he plans to meet with representatives and groups of the sector, including ATA, the CEOE, the Hospitality Association and the Chamber of Commerce. “We want these groups and associations to know the initiative first-hand, to explain to them that there are measures with which to counteract the devastating effect that the current declaration of a State of Alarm throughout the national territory and the closure of town halls in Cantabria is producing in our fabric. business, strangling the commercial, tourism and hospitality sectors and ruining families ”.

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