The national deputy for Almería, Rocío De Meer, regretted that Spain is getting used to the overwhelming number of more than 800 daily deaths. "It is a real tragedy and from VOX we ask for the hardest thing that can be asked of a government and that is its resignation." The deputy considers that it has been a negligent management and that "it is time for a technical government to be installed to deal with the problem and get us out of this situation." The measures that are being carried out by the Government "have an absolute disrepute."

VOX raises a national emergency government, to face the health crisis caused by the coronavirus. In addition, it has presented a series of sanitary and economic measures to save lives and safeguard jobs. According to De Meer, these measures are feasible and the most outstanding is the one that states that during a period of three months, the State covers the salary of all Spaniards who will not be able to work (13 million Spaniards who worked in the private sector ) and compensate with a premium of 20% of their salary for the risks they are assuming to essential services workers.

It is calculated that the total cost of this measure will be about 80,000 million euros, which would be financed by issuing Eurobonds that would allow the Kingdom of Spain to obtain the liquidity necessary to undertake this investment. The deputy explains that "this measure is not only feasible, but that in order to carry it out and the State cover these wages, less money would be needed than what is invested in the beach bar." 80% of the funds originally destined to the fight against climate change, which we remember were 100,000 million euros, according to the President of the Government.

Rocío De Meer understands that the State has to choose and "It is time to take care of the Spanish, it is time to protect Spain".

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