AMETIC, the employer of the Spanish digital industry and Fundación ONCE have renewed their collaboration, which gives continuity to the activities for the promotion of technologies in order to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities. The agreement has been signed by the general director of AMETIC, Francisco Hortigüela, and the general director of Fundación ONCE, José Luis Martínez Donoso.

This cooperation –materialized in the eVIA Technology Platform– reflects the commitment of both entities for social inclusion and the improvement of the quality of life of people with disabilities through innovation.

The eVIA platform, created in 2007, It aims to boost ICT to promote people-centered innovation, as a way of integrating groups at risk of exclusion and transformation of the socio-health system. In collaboration with the Spanish business and academic fabric, it seeks to develop solutions that actively contribute to the daily lives of people, such as new systems, services and products, that use technology to preserve health, improve quality of life and autonomy. of the elderly, facilitate the independent life of persons with disabilities and encourage the integration of vulnerable groups at risk of social exclusion.

Likewise, eVIA, conceived as an open forum, seeks to achieve a positive impact of public and private investments in R & D & I and maintain an active link with European institutions capable of influencing the policies and programs of interest for these groups.

With the renewal of this agreement, both entities consolidate their commitment in promoting universal accessibility in the technological field –especially in ICT– favoring “eInclusion” and reducing the “technological gap” suffered by groups of people with disabilities, as well like other groups at risk of social exclusion.

Fundación ONCE chairs the eVIA technology platform

Fundación ONCE holds the presidency of the eVIA technology platform: a meeting point for technological offer, administration, research organizations and user groups, which, during its 12 years of activity, has about 500 members. The signing of this agreement reaffirms the importance and contribution of the technology sector for inclusion.

In parallel to the firm, Fundación ONCE and the eVIA platform, secreted by AMETIC, organized a conference on Future Trends in Accessibility, where Social Inclusive Robotics, ICT Accessibility in Public Procurement and Future Trends were discussed from a technological perspective, as well as from the point of view of the users.

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