04-24-2020 | Cs
The president of Cs calls on the Executive to "streamline procedures and understand that, to protect employment, you must help those who generate it"
"I am concerned that the Government continues without a plan of unconfidence, that is why we must agree on measures that correct the course", assured the president of Ciudadanos (Cs), Inés Arrimadas, in an interview on the program 'It is Federico's morning' from esRadio.
"We are trying from the beginning," said the leader of the liberal party, who explained that Ciudadanos "has passed numerous proposals to the government with sanitary measures, economic reactivation and social protection." "There is no planning," Arrimadas lamented. "To plan a lack of control that does not extend the freezing of the economy so much, it is necessary to carry out massive tests and provide protective equipment, especially face masks, to the population," he claimed. Likewise, the president of Cs has called on the Executive to "streamline procedures and understand that, to protect employment, you must help those who generate it as SMEs and self-employed"
"University students and rectors require a national plan that tells them what criteria should be followed in an exceptional situation like this," he said, referring to yesterday's appearance by the Minister of Universities, Manuel Castells. "The government should give general guidelines because the future of many kids is at stake," he added.