VOX senator José Manuel Marín has reproached the PSOE, who has been in the Government for two years, who has done nothing to avoid the breakdown of the activity facing Navantia Ferrol. The public company will spend two years with a shortage of occupation, because in August 2019 they delivered a ship to the Australian Navy. In this way, Navantia Ferrol looks at a work stop until in 2022 the F-100 frigates begin to be built. "The PSOE knew that Navantia's work option ended in 2019," Marín reproached.

In the same way, the senator has regretted that the PP presents a Motion for the improvement of Navantia Ferrol in electoral period, something that he has considered is no accident. "The Motion presented has no content beyond this electoral intention," Marin warned during his speech in the Senate.

Marín has lamented the occupation figures that the public company has had to face, which last year stood at 60.1%, while the Cartagena Shipyards reached 64% and 96.1% when he commissioned them to build ships; and in Cádiz, shipyard occupancy reached 75%.

The senator has demanded that an answer be given to the challenges the company faces in an increasingly competitive market.

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