It demands that, before the constitution of the Chamber, the president send a letter to the elected deputies with the legal formula to acquire the full status of parliamentarians

The GPP has sent a letter today to the current president of the Congress, Meritxell Batet, in which she asks him to take all the necessary measures so that in the next constitutive session of the Chamber, on December 3, the incidents are not repeated again occurred in the last Legislature and does not violate, in any case, the constitutional legality when pronouncing the formula to acquire full status as parliamentarians.

The brief, announced today by the president of the PP, Pablo Casado; signed by the spokeswoman of the GPP, Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, and sent with a copy to the secretary general of the Chamber, requires Batet that, in order to avoid unwanted situations, refer to the elected deputies the resolution that governs compliance, as well as the rest of the applicable regulations, so that they know in detail the current right to acquire the full status of deputies.

Likewise, the GPP requires that the Congress make use of all the necessary means so that a complete documentary record is included, including recording, of said session. The governing body of the Chamber must have immediate and reliable knowledge of the interventions related to the oath or promise in a literal manner, so that they can thus be transferred to the Journal of Sessions. In this regard, it also asks that the Presidency resolve at the moment whether each parliamentarian complied or not with the established legal requirements.

Finally, he asks Batet to make it clear to whoever presides over the Congress in the next Legislature the responsibilities that he could incur if an impartial assessment is not appropriate and in accordance with the law in force in compliance.

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