The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism recommends planning purchases during Easter

The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism has launched a campaign aimed at raising awareness among the population about the convenience of planning purchases during Easter, in order to reduce mobility and minimize the risk of contagion.

"We want to complement the general indications of the health authorities with recommendations such as consulting the calendar of holidays set by each Autonomous Community, prioritizing purchases in local stores to avoid trips outside the neighborhood, organizing weekly consumption, choosing products responsibly or make an effort not to leave home every day, "explains the Secretary of State for Commerce, Xiana Méndez.

The campaign recalls that Easter is also a time of rest for workers who are guaranteeing supplies in towns and cities, and for this reason the Ministry encourages them to facilitate their work and recognize their efforts.

Lastly, it includes advice for the inhabitants of rural areas, such as respecting the safety distance in direct purchases on public roads or avoiding trips to other municipalities.

"This Easter, plan your purchases" will take place throughout this week on institutional social networks with the hashtag #planificatuscompras.

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