Cuenca, November 25, 2020. – The approval of the general state budgets is leading to the payment of a series of tolls and transfers to separatism that, to the greater glory of Sánchez, seriously damage the freedom and opportunities of both monolingual Spaniards and those who, living in the provinces bilingual, speak Spanish as their mother tongue.

The deletion of the term “vehicular” is dramatic for all those who, legitimately, want their children to be educated in Spanish anywhere in the national territory. Different autonomous governments were, de facto, treating Spanish as a foreign language in a large part of Spain, but, after the approval of the Celaá Law, they will be able to do so without breaking any norm and leaving people in a situation of total vulnerability and helplessness Spaniards residing in monolingual provinces who wish their children to be educated in the common language of the nation.

Through the path initiated by Felipe González and after the transfer of powers of non-university education and health to the autonomies by the government of José María Aznar, the progressive fragmentation of Spain seems to have no brake in the face of insatiable separatist parties. those who find it tremendously beneficial to sow chaos, fragmentation and hatred among Spaniards.

It is equally problematic and damaging that, in some territories historically governed by the Popular Party, Feijoó's administration in Galicia serves as an example, emulating the disruptive behaviors of the separatists, giving them legitimacy.

From VOX we cannot ignore the constant cessions of the PP and the PSOE to those whose ultimate goal is the destruction of Spain.

From VOX we defend, we have defended and we will defend the right of Spaniards to be schooled in Spanish in any part of the national territory and without any separatist government, or any other political power, being able to interfere with the education that parents wish to give their own children, so VOX will appeal this dire law to the Constitutional Court.

No, we Cuenca are not second-rate Spanish; and if to work we have to move to another territory of the national geography, we demand that our children can be educated in Spanish as the vehicular language.

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