In the shadow of the suffocating heat, it is time to announce the Planeta Comic news planned for September. From the US, a wonderful series will land Image. Is about Isola, an epic, fresh and visually spectacular fantasy. The spin off of Animosity, one of the main headers of Aftershock. The last volume of the odyssey of the Paper Girls will put the final boche to your adventures. Star wars will provide staples of the current series.
The Graphic Novel will be represented by The Mennulara. Simonetta Agnello Hornby's debut work, a great international success translated worldwide and edited by Tusquets, is adapted thanks to the clear and evocative outline of Massimo Fenati. Finally. Manga will be led by the mythical Captain tsubasa. The match of the Japanese team with the most volumes of Dragon Ball, Samurai 8, Octave, The sword of the immortal or Astro Boy.
Captain Tsubasa departure: 8/25
· Departure USA / Star Wars / Graphic Novel: 8/9
Manga Departure: 9/22
Check the libraries here
Thanks for reading and good summer! Take care of yourself! 🌼🏖 10:18:522020-07-27 10:18:53News Comic Planet for September
Do you already have the fourth volume of Planet Manga? Here we leave you a previously of the ongoing series to refresh your memory …
Desiring to solve the mystery surrounding her brother's disappearance, Ann returns to her adoptive family's village. But all you will find is a desolate place inhabited by strange monsters. Just when they are about to attack her, a military convoy appears to pick her up and take her to the military base where Thomas -the captain of the section- will interrogate and imprison her. But Ann's luck will turn around when that same night she discovers that one of the soldiers is Eiden, a childhood acquaintance who will help her escape.
Although Noah and his friends have finally been able to flee from the hunters, this mishap has forced them to stray from the path. They are lost, time is running against them and it seems increasingly impossible for them to achieve their goal, but Noah's brother's journal may be his last hope to find a shortcut that will lead them directly to the Gryphoon Academy. Along the way they will meet Rain, a silvana who will join the team and guide them along the dangerous route of "The Forbidden City of Garnata". But what they don't know is that a real threat lies in wait for them among the ruins: the fearsome "Black Wind".
Alter ego
Thanks to Elena's efforts, the relationship between her two best friends is improving to such an extent that Noel begins to feel confused about her feelings towards June. Her pride doesn't allow her to see what she really feels towards her former enemy, but her concern about June's family past will uncover the passion that exists between them.
Although the situation on Earth is still not good, the work to clean up the atmosphere is beginning to bear fruit, but Shion's coexistence with the rest of the crew of the ship is increasingly conflictive. Also, investigations into its origins are being very hard for her. Finally, after being unfairly blamed for an explosion in the purification systems, the situation becomes so unsustainable within the colony that Koro decides to flee to Earth with Shion.
Meadow Queen
After being called up, Kethrylia decides to defect and leave the Mainread kingdom. The main roads are full of soldiers, so you will be forced to enter a lush forest. Lost among these unknown lands, she will meet a young merchant who will not only help her overcome the dangers of the forest but will also show her that her whole life has been a great lie.
Aron fire
A group of dissidents infiltrates the scientific laboratories of the Roch Corporation in order to steal secret files. During the mission, by accident, they released Experiment BH-29 or also known as Aron. Although it seems that Aron's problems end with his release, the truth is that they will only begin. Although he does not know it, the truth is that it is a potential destructive weapon and that is why he is persecuted by the organization and watched by the rebels.
Eriko has already searched in every corner of her room, but her sketchbook is nowhere to be seen. What you can not imagine is that whoever has his notebook is his mysterious boy and he does not fit in his amazement when he sees that he is in the living room of his house with the intention of giving it to him. Apparently, this boy turns out to be Yuusuke Kenji, a promising young rugby player in Japan. After a pleasant chat between them, in which Yuusuke praises Eriko's talent, Eriko decides to draw a picture in gratitude and go to deliver it in person to the athlete's university.
Good game
After a jury approved the demo for their video game, Enishi and Yuki are now officially participating in the Good Game Academy contest. Although they know that the road will be difficult, even more so with a somewhat strange and enigmatic instructor, both are eager to start their project and meet their peers and opponents. 09:50:112020-07-22 09:50:13Previously on Planeta Manga
The projects submitted to the already closed call come from countries such as Spain, Italy, Mexico, Uruguay and Venezuela
The CDN has received 61 proposals to participate in the call for ephemeral architecture for the vestibule of the Valle-Inclán Theater. The projects submitted to this already closed call come from countries such as Spain, Italy, Mexico, Uruguay and Venezuela.
The objective is to generate a multifunctional space for the spectators that can host activities of different kinds such as meetings with the public, press conferences, exhibition and consultation of books, etc.
Selection of the winning project
The selection body is made up of representatives of the National Institute of Performing Arts (INAEM), CDN, COAM, AAPEE and the architects of the Valle-Inclán Theater. All of them will choose three finalists who will have to elaborate a more detailed project of the installation. Finally, the winning proposal will be one that, in addition to meeting quality standards, solves the construction process in a simple, economic, safe and fast way.
With this call, the CDN and the COAM begin a collaboration that aspires to have continuity over time by organizing joint activities. 07:37:032020-07-22 07:43:59The CDN receives 61 proposals for participation in the call for ephemeral architecture for the vestibule of the Valle-Inclán Theater
CDN subscribers, regardless of their type of subscription, will be able to purchase with a 52% discount the shows offered last season in subscription and rescheduled in the last quarter of 2020.
You can consult all the information about sales and prices in this link. 11:53:362020-07-21 12:02:13The CDN starts selling seats for the shows of the Season Preview 2020-2021
If you're a book lover like us — and you're reading this blog for a reason, right? Seguro— surely you know that there has never been a more faithful friend or more secure shelter than a book.
And in these days of uncertainty and not making plans because we do not know if we can carry them out … we have learned to value little things more, to value moments, to enjoy the company of those people who we take for granted will be there. Because we have learned that this is not reality.
If you want to express to your family how special they are to you, our proposal is clear: give books away. 📖✨
Because when we decide to give a book away we are not only giving a conglomerate of pages, letters and words. We are sharing with someone a worldview of the world, interpreted by literary characters that provide our brain with thousands of possibilities. But they can say a lot about us and our most intimate way of thinking. And sharing that connection is magical.
And what is the best complement for a book? Well, a special dedication, of course.
Some of the most sincere and most powerful words have been written in dedications of books, because it is something intimate, protected by the covers of the book and by the possibility that the person never reads those sentences … time to choose the right words to tell that person why we have loved that bit of history of Literature and not another, why for him and why now … Those words can accompany a person to the depths of his heart for longer than we think.
So in this post we introduce you 10 different styles of dedications depending on who is going to receive it, the type of dedication or the occasion. So you can convey everything you feel and want to say and you don't have to face the panic of the blank page. 😜
one.Dedication for lovers
No chocolates or anything. Conquering the stomach is easy, but getting to the intellect of the person you want to fall in love with or with whom you are in love is only a challenge for the most daring.
This is a very personal type of dedication and we would advise you to set aside recurring images and phrases of the type Without you I am nothing de Amaral … to give it an original and much more personal touch (which is what counts). If you give a book to someone you love, the book has a connection to both of you. Use it. For example: "Maybe the Odyssey that I lived when I missed the train that had to take me to our first date was not so long, but of course, it was just as hard. ”
2. Author's dedication
If a book is itself a fantastic gift, imagine what an illusion to receive it with the dedication made by the author himself! If you have the possibility of obtaining it, it is, without a doubt, the perfect gift.
You can try catching a writer's coveted lyrics at Book Fairs or Presentations. And we are sure that it will make you crush it melts. Let it not be said that you have not tried!
3. Dedication for occasional readers
It may be that your gift is addressed to someone who lives the passion for reading with a more leisurely intensity. In that case, the title or author of what you give them will tell you little or nothing about the reason for your selection. Here the best option can be to emphasize the interests that the person may have and that are in the book, so that they understand the reason for the gift. Something like "I know your passion for mysteries and how you love solving them, that's why I give you this crime novel… ”.
4. Dedication for the advanced reader
For those with whom you share a passion for literature. Here it may be interesting to focus our dedication on the reason for the gift rather than its justification. For example: "I hope this novel expands or destroys the horizons of your own world of Science fiction… ” or "Here goes the philosophical essay on aporophobia that was overlooked. I hope it will enrich you… ”.
In this case we can be as specific or convoluted (see the second dedication) as we want because, after all, we already know that this person has very specific interests and, with our gift, we are only fanning that bonfire that we already know that exists. And believe us, it is a very good thing that we have that level of knowledge of the other person. It could bring great things to us together.
5. Dedication in story
Maybe you also like to write. In that case, if you have a clear message and an interesting idea, you can dare with a dedication in which you explain a mini story that synthesizes everything you want to communicate.
Let's say, for example, you give a meditation book to a friend so they can learn to relax. Well, nothing better than creating a mini story where your friend is the protagonist and where you narrate a scene in which he enjoys complete stillness and inner peace. You will feel identified and relax before even reading it!
6. Poetic dedication
Similar to the story dedication, a poetic dedication can capture powerful images and metaphors to make the quote a literary "product" itself. In this case, unless you dare with your own poetry, you can search for a poem that has a close relationship with the theme or content of the book. For example, if we talk about literature, we could quote the great Pablo Neruda in a poem like this:
"So when the teeth of the literature they tried to bite my honest heels, I passed, without knowing, singing with the wind towards the rainy warehouses of my childhood (...) "
Although if you are a real brave we encourage you to let your imagination run wild and write your own verses. They probably don't look like Neruda's but you can talk about more personal things, which have more meaning for both of you, and above all it will be much more valuable that you have put the personal effort to create something for that special person. You know what they say about "worth a try"? Well in this case, it's very worth it.
7. Dedication to launch hints
Exactly. How well are those books that serve as an excuse to throw hints or advice to friends or family.
And if you accompany it with a dedication that has just underlined the message (more than anything in case it has not been made clear), then better than better. Let's say someone you know doesn't cook very well. You could dedicate the following:I trust this book so you can carry out the most important mission of your life: not starve ourselves (that or let me cook). ”
Do not miss a sense of humor in this type of dedication. 😉
8. Direct dedication to the heart: memory
Ok, yes, we already know that this title may sound somewhat ambiguous and that with all the previous dedications we also wanted to win the heart of that special person. OKAY. But we will explain what is special about this type of dedication. It is no longer just about the dedication, but about the gift itself.
We will tell you with an example. Do you know those muffins you used to eat when they were little that they sold in the oven under your house and that on Sunday mornings your father would look for you to have breakfast together? And the great sensations that still come over the years as long as you accidentally smell a batch of freshly made cupcakes?
Well the same but with the books. If that person has ever told you that a book marked his childhood or that he read something that touched his heart at a certain point in his life … bringing that little piece of his life and his memory to the present is a gift in capital letters, which will make him See that you listen to what he tells you, that you look at the details, that you have bothered to look for that book so old that they do not even edit it anymore and that you have also put a dedication that has just made clear how special that person is for you.
For example: “So that when you reread the stories of this bunny, you would be the baby who jumped from puddle to puddle without caring what he should or shouldn't do. I would love to jump in puddles with you one day;) ”.
9.Short dedication
They say the good if short … And you know how the saying ends. If you don't have a clear idea about what to say or, on the contrary, you want to say too much, maybe cutting for the sane is the best option.
A dedication of a phrase is more than enough if your words encapsulate a good message. It is not easy, but the result is worth it.
An example could be: "May each page resist you in existence ” or "May this book be tender bread to bite loneliness. " And depending on the trust we have with that person, we can always add a more fun touch: "That this book is tender bread to bite loneliness … And if it is not, I let myself bite a little bit. Whatever it takes to bring out that smile. ”
10. A great dedication for a small reader
How important are the first contacts with literature and what a wonderful power they have when creating new readers.
So if you are going to give a book to a child who has just started in the literary universe, we recommend that you make a dedication that motivates him to continue reading and that he remembers fondly after a few years.
In these cases, something brief and special may be the best way to dedicate: “May this book be the first of the many lives and adventures that await you in the world of literature. ” Once that little reader grows up and remembers that his love for literature began with a gift that you gave him, you will know that it will have been worth any time you have invested in thinking of the best dedication for him.
And since we also love our readers very much, don't think you're going to leave this post without our dedication to you:
"Between rose and rose, your majesty choose"
Francisco de Quevedo
Why this one? Because it belongs to one of the Castilian classics and we believe that it reflects very well our purpose when it comes to talking about books, writing about books, breathing books. ♥
There are a thousand options out there for each of us. We just have to choose. And we are very lucky to have centuries of great literature. So we believe in love to first page.
For that reason and because the previous quote is not without humor, hehe. They say that Quevedo told the queen when he wanted to win a bet with his friends and should insult nothing more and nothing less than his royal persona. So he dedicated those words to him: "Between pink and pink, his majesty is-LAME. And is that the classics, the great stories that sometimes intimidate us a little … they are still real and human stories, with humor, stories that are waiting to be discovered by the reader of any time. 11:02:552020-07-21 11:02:5710 dedications to give a book
Do you smell it It is freedom floating in the air, because summer is already here. 😍
It is likely that this summer will be different from the others but that does not take away the illusion of knowing that we have toooodo the time in the world to do what we like the most, that for a week we will live without alarms and without meetings, that we do not have to carry children to nowhere more than where we have planned to go with the family and that, ultimately, the time is ours.
And what do we do when we have time? Read! That is why we bring you this list of authors and works that you will not want to miss, because they are those readings that leave their mark. Ready to discover a universe of readings that will sweeten your summer? 🥳
one) Extraordinary thingsby Brays Efe
This is the story of a boy who brought together for his mother all the good things in the world. Because … how does a child react when he finds out that his mother has tried to kill himself? He makes a list of the extraordinary things worth living for: ice cream, water wars, letting you stay on TV when it's time to go to sleep, the yellow color, the things with stripes, the roller coasters, the people who stumble.
This Duncan Macmillan text filled with innocence and tenderness has traveled the world for years, relieving anyone who has ever had a losing streak at some point in their life.
Brays Efe He has been in the role of the protagonist for months and now he shares with us his experience to make us appreciate much more those little things that do not seem to matter … but are the really important ones. A book delight that cannot be missed in your plans for these hot days.
two) Felix. A man on earthby Odile Rodríguez de la Fuente
This is a perfect book for those who take advantage of the summer to escape nature and get in touch with a greener (and less gray) life. Because if there is a figure that has contributed to creating generations much more aware of the importance of the environment and its preservation, that is the Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente.
In this book we discover an illustrated compendium of man's thinking that sparked the environmental awareness of an entire country. Ten chapters divided by thematic areas with texts by Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente and the transcription of his main radio and television interventions. The selection of the texts and the introduction to each chapter are the responsibility of Odile Rodríguez de la Fuente, biologist, daughter of Felix and main disseminator of her legacy. A final chapter with the testimony of personalities from all areas that will gloss his figure: Andreu Buenafuente, Rosa Montero, Jesús Calleja, Juan Luis Arsuaga.
If you want to delve into one of the most influential, loved and respected characters in Spain, this is the definitive work that reflects his legacy as a humanist, naturalist, ecologist and communicator.
3) The good thing about having a bad dayby Anabel González
We ask you a question: if it is clear that what we want is to be happy, why do we put so many obstacles to achieve it?
Few sayings have been more damaging than the one that says that "in bad weather you have to put a good face on it." In bad weather you have to put tears or sadness. And to the good, smiles and joy. Because knowing how to manage our emotions is not hiding or suppressing them, it is recognizing and managing them with meaning.
After many years of consultation, the doctor Anabel González It provides us with this little guide to emotional survival that will help us better manage our emotions and learn to live with bad times. Because the key to feeling comfortable with ourselves and with our life is precisely knowing how to cope with bad days.
4) The sky of your daysby Greta Alonso
And we continue this list of essentials with a novel that will make us stay up late because we will be unable to fulfill that "just one more chapter". What is it about?
A lock of hair and nine words: «This was her. This one, his hair. I, his murderer ». The appearance of a lock of hair next to a disturbing anonymous causes the reopening of the "Alicia case", the young woman murdered fifteen years ago in a mountain in Cantabria; the fact could confirm a terrible suspicion: what if the author of the crime was not the man imprisoned for it more than a decade ago?
The efficient and methodical Inspector Herreros will be forced to lead the investigation between an oppressive Bilbao and a frenzied Madrid as we follow in the first person steps of Inspector Brul, his boss and mentor, the man who maintained a relationship with the victim months before the event. . Two overwhelming characters, a strong physical attraction, a crude web of power, lies and violence. Do we have to say more for you to get caught by the pen of Greta Alonso? 😜
5) First lineby Gabriel Heras
If there is a reason why this summer will be different, it is summarized in five letters and two figures: Covid-19. And although we are all aware of news and cases, there is a reality that we do not know. What health professionals have experienced, that is, how the worst global pandemic in recent years is experienced from within.
In pages full of tension and fear, but also of hope and companionship, the intensive care doctor Gabriel Heras offers an example of the ability of health workers to overcome the unpredictability and lack of humility of those responsible for managing the worst health crisis in the history of Spain. At the same time, his story highlights the shortcomings of a system that needs profound changes to adapt to the realities of the 21st century and guarantee the well-being of citizens. "With this crisis we have discovered that Spain does not have the best healthcare system in the world, but it does have the best professionals."
A great book to see things from another point of view and reflect.
6) The older cousinby Laura Gost
And this is a summer book par excellence: because many of us have had our first contact with the affective and romantic world when the sun was brightest, and Laura Gost It brings us a story that will connect with all of us.
The older cousin It talks about the awakening of a girl as a woman with the clarity and narrative intelligence of a Goya-winning screenwriter. That is why we like this work so much.
Rosa is only twelve years old when her older cousin is orphaned and is forced to share a room with her. After the hasty move, the protagonist soon finds that her cousin represents everything she cannot tolerate: Tina is an irresponsible, ungrateful and problematic girl.
But, little by little, Rosa will begin to realize that behind the things that repel her from Tina hides something that she longs for herself: to be an extroverted, overwhelming and sexy young woman capable of altering the daily life of the Mediterranean town in which they live. It will be precisely these differences that will determine the adolescence of both, that time when ingenuity and maturity mix so crudely. A clash of mentalities that will be fully unleashed with the arrival of the three members of the Montsó family in the neighborhood.
Can a love triangle shake the relationship of the two cousins with the world, femininity and themselves?
7) Aloneby Silvia Congost
And this is the other side of the coin of the topic that we were just talking about: do we need to be in a couple to feel good?
Silvia Congost teaches us that not having a partner does not mean being alone. Learning to be alone can be the greatest adventure of your life and a fascinating journey into yourself that will connect you with the world and with yourself.
Desired, sought, provoked, unnoticed, loneliness can take many forms, but in most cases it is a situation that scares us, generates rejection and we try to avoid at all costs. In today's world and especially from a certain age, it seems that loneliness is understood as a failure: being single, divorced or separated is something that must be overcome at all costs. However, knowing how to be alone is really a sign of maturity, autonomy, and personal wealth. This book will help us conquer that important summit and become our best ally.
8) The power to trust youby Curro Cañete
Maybe the name of Curro Cañete but surely you've heard of his book The power to trust you. He is one of the figures of the moment, a coach who is helping to change lives.
Cañete affirms that "the greatest act of generosity that you can do for yourself and for those around you is to be happy". And that happiness is not a destination, but a path that we must walk step by step. In this way it is essential that we trust ourselves and that, dear readers, is a power that can only be achieved through practice. 😉
With energy and a desire to share what he himself has learned, Curro teaches us to conquer our fears and overcome obstacles to be happier than ever. Also in his previous book A new happiness we will be able to read his own story of liberation and search, how he got rid of his mental blocks and limits. Inspiring, isn't it?
9) How to make good things happen to youby Marian Rojas
And we close this post recommending the Dr. Rojas, which proposes us to enjoy the present, overcome the past and look forward to the future. Sounds promising but you don't know where to start? Don't worry because Marian Rojas is going to guide us step by step.
Because it is clear that not everything in life is good news but … do you know that your emotions and your thoughts have a direct impact on your organism, on your perception of reality and even on your own genes? Or we put it to you in another way: are you aware that your way of managing conflicts can predispose you to suffer anxiety or depression, the most frequent diseases of the 21st century?
For Dr. Rojas, happiness consists of living healthy installed in the present, having overcome the hurts of the past and looking forward to the future. Because happiness is not what happens to us, but how we interpret what happens to us. With this book we will understand the importance of learning to focus our attention and we will discover guidelines to combat fears, anxieties and channel negative emotions that physically and mentally block us. Ready for this summer more good things happen to us than in any other? ✨
And with these 9 titles and authors, we close our list of essentials that you will be glad to have discovered during the days of relaxation and sun. But psst … if the reading runs out too quickly, don't worry, because we have prepared a whole list of literary suggestions so you don't lack company. 😜 13:58:472020-07-17 13:58:499 books and authors you need to discover this summer
Minotauro editions (Grupo Planeta) is pleased to announce the 4 finalist proposals of the XV edition of the Minotaur Award, benchmark in the sector of Fantasy, Terror and Science Fiction in Spanish. The novels selected for the 2020 edition are:
God's eye (Science fiction). In the year 2560, humanity has managed to spread over some eight thousand planets thanks to the anagravonic motors that allow the Inespace-Exespace jumps. The mission of Florence Schiaparelli, captain of the Banshee ship, is to obtain all the possible data on the black hole that she herself has baptized The Eye of God. But when the Banshee crew detects a body trapped in the Eye of God event horizon, Captain Schiaparelli will have to decide whether to risk getting caught themselves to save the other ship's crew.
Memory of the blue girl (Fantasy). Mel is a troubled teenager trying to channel his life into a new foster family. In the waiting room of a mental health unit he meets Beatriz, a girl who woke up overnight with completely blue hair. Little by little, Beatriz's secrets are revealed as the relationship between outcasts that Mel and she have built becomes a love story that will change Mel's life forever.
Symbiosis (Science fiction). At the end of the 20th century, Earth has established contact with the alien ilin race, a society of symbiotic beings that unite with a host through the brain and live sharing thoughts and food. The Ilin offer humanity a symbiosis between the two races that will be beneficial to both parties, but not all humans agree to be part of this new society.
Growing fears (Terror). Ana is a teenage girl who loves horror movies and Edgar Allan Poe's work. One day, he proposes to his friend Alba to play "The Man from the Crowd", a game inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's story that consists of defining people who pass by on the street and paying attention to someone who stands out especially. Ana detects a disturbing looking man dressed in dark, and they begin to follow in his footsteps. The girls will soon discover that the invocation of "The Man from the Crowd" always has consequences.
These 4 titles, unveiled during the Celsius de Avilés Festival, have been carefully chosen from among 449 manuscripts from different countries, mainly Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Colombia. Also from Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Puerto Rico or the USA.
The jury in charge of the selection is made up of 5 independent members with a proven CV. Is about Laura Fernandez (journalist from The country and writer), Sofia Rhei (writer), Blanca Rodríguez (President of the Spanish Science Fiction Association), Pablo Tebar (writer and screenwriter, 2017 Minotauro Award) and Roberto Jiménez (journalist from the Xataka technology portal).
The final result will not be long in coming. On September 9, during the award ceremony, the name of the winning novel will be revealed, which will receive 6,000 euros. The work will be published in October and will be officially presented during the Sitges International Film Festival.
The Minotaur Prize has been one of the publisher's highlights since 2004 and has become a cultural catalyst for genre literature. Previous titles that were raised with this recognition were Snow on Mars (Pablo Tébar), Those who dream (Elio Quiroga), Pantheon (Carlos Sisí) or Lords of Olympus (Javier Negrete), among other works of undeniable quality. 11:57:012020-07-17 11:57:02The XV Minotaur Prize already has finalists!
ANDhe CDN will program thirteen theatrical productions and will host a new edition of the International Theater Book Fair and the cycles "New Italian Scene" and "Titerescena"
The National Dramatic Center (CDN), which has not ceased its theater activity these months with the online programming of The CDN Window and with him streaming cathartic trilogy THE PYRA, will open its doors to the public after the summer. Between the months of September and December it will schedule thirteen theatrical productions scheduled for last spring, within the 2020-2021 season.
Dark night (from September 15 to 20 in the Francisco Nieva Room), with the address of Save Bolta, It will mean a return to the public to the CDN seating area. The play presents a dramaturgy of Sergio Martínez Vila with voices and silences through the idea of the mystical experience of San Juan de la Cruz.
Autumn in April (from September 16 to October 4 at the María Guerrero Theater), with text and address of Carolina Africa, is the second part of the acclaimed piece by the company La Belloch Teatro, Summer in December, It will also be seen on stage again (September 20 and 27 and October 4 at the María Guerrero Theater).
THE PYRA, The trilogy broadcast in streaming and without an audience will return to the tables of the National Dramatic Center. This time it will be with spectators from the Valle-Inclán Theater. The trilogy is composed by The shock, with text from Alfredo Sanzol, Victoria Szpunberg and Eva Mgo, and under the direction of the first (September 18 and 19); Distance, written by Pau Miró, Andrea Jiménez and Noemi Rodríguez and Juan Mayorga, and under the direction of Andrea Jiménez and Noemi Rodríguez, (September 22 and 23) and Uncertainty, with text from Pablo Remón, Denise Despeyroux and Lucía Carballal, and under the direction of the first (September 26 and 27).
Happy days (from September 30 to November 1 in the Sala Francisco Nieva), one of Samuel Beckett's best-known plays, returns to the CDN, with a translation of Antonia Rodríguez Gago and in version and direction of Pablo Messiez. A co-production between the National Dramatic Center and Buxman Productions.
The Macaluso Sisters (from October 1 to 4 at the Valle-Inclán Theater), with text and address of Emma Dante, It will be the international representation framed in the cycle "A look at the world". The text, inspired by a personal anecdote from a friend of the creator, is a production by Teatro Stabile di Napoli, Festival d'Avignon, Théâtre National (Brussels) and Folkteatern (Göteborg), with the collaboration of the company Atto Unico / Sud West Coast.
Transformation (from October 2 to November 8 in the Princess Room), with text and address of Paloma Pedrero, It talks about the path to being of a group of trans protagonists in struggle with the world that rejects them.
The boy in the back row (from October 14 to November 8 at the María Guerrero Theater) Juan Mayorga will be represented in the CDN under the direction of Andrés Lima in a production of the Beckett Room. The world of classrooms reflected by Juan Mayorga from the desk in the last row.
Tribes (from November 6 to December 27 at the Valle-Inclán Theater), with text by Nina Raine, adaptation of Jorge Muriel and address of Julián Fuentes Reta, The protagonist is Guille, a deaf boy who communicates by reading lips because his family is not in favor of using sign language. The assembly of the CDN with the collaboration of October Productions stands out for the accessibility of the show for deaf people since its inception.
My century, my beast (from November 11 to December 20 in the Francisco Nieva Room), with text from Lola Blasco and address of Marta Pazos, is a co-production of poetic overtones between the CDN and the Galician company Voadora, which, however, refers to political events but without dispensing with humor and irony. The text was recognized with the 2016 National Dramatic Literature Prize for Lola Blasco.
Dear caprice (from November 20 to December 13 in the Princess Room), with text from Tomás Cabané In collaboration with Tomás Pozzi and address of the first. Co-production of the National Dramatic Center, Check-In Productions and Pedro Hermosilla Productions, is a story of eight encounters, a mixture of memories and fiction, which are projected in a fragile correspondence.
Likewise, the CDN will host the 21st edition of the International Theater Book Show (from October 15 to 18 at the Valle-Inclán Theater), an event that co-organizes with the Association of Theater Authors and Authors (AAT). And the cycles will return «New Italian Scene: Three Readings – Riccione Theater Award» with the works Eighty-nine of Elvira Frosini and Daniele Timpano, with address of Manuela Cherubini;Night On White of Tatjana Motta and address of Manuela Cherubini and For your own good of Pier Lorenzo Pisano, with address of Manuela Cherubini (from October 30 to November 1 in the Sala El Mirlo Blanco) from Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Madrid in collaboration with the Riccione Theater Award and "Titerescena" (Bee the flock, October 24 and 25, New shoes November 14 and 15 and Snow White December 12 and 13 in the Sala El Mirlo Blanco), a puppet theater for the whole family in a collaboration of the CDN with the Tolosa International Puppet Center (Topic).
This Wednesday, July 15 the ticket offices of the CDN stage venues were reopened to facilitate the return of tickets purchased in cash. To avoid displacement, it is recommended to preferably use the telematic channels (web form and post office box).
Tickets for the season advance can be purchased from Tuesday July 21 on the usual channels. In this case also, to avoid displacement, it is recommended to preferably use the telematic channels (online and telephone sales through Inaem Tickets). 09:23:062020-07-16 10:15:37The National Dramatic Center announces its season advance between September and December 2020
If you are reading this post it is probably because you are a fan of not to go, criminal, detective investigations and of course you like to get to the bottom of cases … however complicated they are.
So we invite you to join us in celebrating the centenary of birth from Hercules Poirot. Out of Agatha Christie's literary imagination, Poirot is one of the most stunning private detectives. Perhaps you have read all his cases, but today you may discover some data that you do not even suspect of the Belgian detective with the best groomed mustache. Can you come with us?
Why we adore Poirot
Let's go with some data that give us an idea of the dimension of this character: 33 novels, 50 short stories, taken to the cinema on 11 occasions – the first in 1931, the most recent in 2017 and with the face of Kenneth Branagh – with his Own 13-season television series.
There is no doubt that Detective Hercules Poirot has captured our attention and, along with the character of Miss Marple, is one of the great figures in the detective literature of the great Agatha Christie. The public was so fond of him that although in 1930 the author had grown tired of him and said he was "insufferable" or "self-centered," she continued to write about him because it was due to his readers and what the readers wanted was to Poirot.
And there are several factors that make Hercules very special: he is a cunning, persistent, extremely neat guy… So much so that in The murder of Roger Ackroyd They take him for a hairdresser, for his prim manners and his pristine mustache. Or as his adventure companion, the inseparable Hastings, would say, "a speck of dust would have caused him more pain than a gunshot wound."
His methods may not always be orthodox, but he always goes to the bottom of every case. For this reason, throughout his literary adventures, he does not hesitate to speak about relatives or ailments with witnesses to the cases, to win them over and obtain better information … Although these ailments and relatives do not always exist. We really know little about the true family of Poirot, except that he has a daughter named Judith, who appears in Curtain. Poirot's last case.
We do know that his dream is to retire to live a quiet life in the country and grow zucchini, something that, by the way, he gets to do in one of the books. In fact, he announces his imminent retirement in each case, but there is always something that makes him return to the ring. The adrenaline rush of research has you hooked, does that sound familiar to you, reader? 😜
Another curious fact is that some of the scenarios that appear in the novels are real (the crime scene in The Nasse House shrine it is actually the jetty for Agatha Christie's home in Greenway, Devon). Or that Poirot's own character is based on two fictional detectives of his time: Hercule Popeau —Born from the pen of Marie Belloc Lowndes— and Monsieur Poiret —Creation of Frank Howel Evans. In her memoirs Agatha Christie also cites as a great influence on her literature the work of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who at the same time claimed to be marked by the very deductive characters that Edgar Allan Poe had put on paper.
And it is that a good gray cell excites us as much as the good one of Hercules Poirot! If you want to put yours to work and see if you are bolder than the murderer, we invite you to celebrate 100 years of the Belgian detective hunting these novels.
The Poirot novels that you cannot miss this summer
Murder on the Orient Express
The Orient Express departs once more for the exotic landscapes it encounters on its route from Istanbul to Calais. However, this time the trip will not go as placidly as usual: the train will be blocked by snow and the body of a murdered passenger will appear. Luckily, Poirot is also there and, thanks to his gray cells, he will be able to put together a laborious puzzle that sheds light on this complicated case.
And an extra anecdote: Agatha Christie conceived this plot after she herself took the Orient Express and the train was trapped by the snow, giving way to a night of discomfort and uncertainty. Then he would rent a hotel room at the foot of the tracks to put the finishing touch to the novel. Today that room is a small museum dedicated to the author.
Death on the Nile
A famous case that tests the extreme lucidity of Hercules Poirot. During a pleasant vacation in Egypt, Detective Hercules Poirot meets Linnet and Simon, some of his acquaintances who are on their honeymoon in the land of the Pharaohs.
The charm of such wonderful days is broken when one morning, during a cruise on the Nile, the beautiful Linnet appears shot dead in the head.
Eight cases of Poirot
Don't miss out on this excellent selection of intricate mysteries. The lifeless body of an heiress lies in a train car. A popular young man is stabbed at a costume ball. An elderly woman suspects that she is being poisoned. A prince fears for his reputation when his girlfriend is known to be involved in a murder. The corpse of a lonely man who lived in an old mansion rests in his room with a shot to the head.
These are just some of the cases the Belgian detective is facing. Who but Poirot could solve them?
Date with death
They all had reason to wish for his death. They are all suspicious.
During a delightful trip to the Middle East, among the ruins of Petra, the body of the matriarch of the powerful Boynton family appears. The small mark of a puncture on the wrist is the only proof that she has been killed.
Detective Hercules Poirot will have to face, once again, the challenge of solving a murder with more suspects than clues. And it is that many could wish for the death of the tyrannical Mrs. Boynton, possessor of a coveted fortune. Poirot, despite the complexity of the case, intends to find the murderer in less than twenty-four hours, thus initiating an investigation that will lead to the most unexpected outcome. Are you going to miss it?
Blood in the pool
Everyone is suspicious and at the same time a victim of love. What mystery awaits our detective this time? Lucy Angkatell invites Hercules Poirot to lunch. To play a prank on the Belgian detective, his guests pretend a murder by the pool. Unfortunately, the victim does not play a role. As he is dying and his blood runs to the water, John Christow utters one last word: "Henrietta." Amid the confusion of the incident, a gun sinks to the bottom of the pool.
This time Poirot faces a complex network of love relationships. The weight of suspicion falls on all the guests.
Tragedy in three acts
This will be one of the most puzzling cases in Poirot's career. Sir Charles Cartwright should have thought twice before inviting thirteen people to his home for dinner. For the evening ends with one of the guests dead after having eaten a cocktail in which no trace of poison is found.
So far, nothing that can surprise the Belgian detective. What is surprising to Poirot is that there is not a single reason that can explain the murder …
The murder of Roger Ackroyd
If there is a book that cannot be missing from this selection, it is The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, nothing more and nothing less than the book that launched Agatha Christie to fame.
Roger Ackroyd knows too much. He knows that the woman he loves poisoned her brutal first husband. She also suspects that someone has been blackmailing her. Now, tragically, he gets the news that he has killed himself with a drug overdose.
But the afternoon mail brings Roger one last fatal information, which may shed some light on the identity of the blackmailer. Unfortunately, before he can finish reading it, he is stabbed in the back to death. We are convinced that you are going to devour the crime novel that contains one of the greatest surprises of its genre. 😱
Five little pigs
The title of this novel can make us think of a sweet children's story, but nothing to do with the story it tells us. Sixteen years ago, Caroline Crale was convicted of murdering her husband, the painter Amyas Crale, when he was about to be abandoned by a younger woman. After dying in prison, Caroline left a letter to her five-year-old daughter, Carla, reaffirming her innocence. Now Carla knows that she needs the help of the best detective in the world to return to the past and find the true murderer, thus honoring the memory of her mother.
Five suspects. Five people with a solid alibi. One of them lies.
More cases for Hercules Poirot
There are many reasons that can push someone to commit a murder: greed, jealousy, tension, ambition, desire to vendetta… Hercules Poirot will face all of them and try not to be fooled by his cunning opponents. Will he be able to find out the truth in each of these cases?
And we are convinced that there can be no better tribute to the figure of the great detective created by Agatha Christie than to reread his great works and immerse ourselves in the challenges he poses for our gray mass.
We will mess up our mustaches, while we read, so that the neatness of this Belgian detective – who is not French, as Poirot emphasizes whenever someone is wrong – continues to accompany us another 100 years. 13:00:092020-07-15 13:00:13One Hundred Years of Hercules Poirot: Everything You Still Don't Know About Agatha Christie's Most Famous Detective
Carlos Sisí, author of the vampire trilogy Rojo and the zombie saga Los Caminantes visits the Celsius Festival in Avilés. Here is your schedule during the event.
It is worth highlighting the round table on the Minotaur Prize that Sisí will attend as the winner in 2013. It will be on Friday 17 at 12:25. Sofía Rhei, Laura Fernández (both members of the jury) and Vicky Hidalgo (editor) will be present. During the talk the name of the finalists of the 2020 edition will be announced of the distinguished award, one of the most relevant in the world of genre literature. Simultaneously, the publisher will publish this information on social networks, blog and press release. 12:34:052020-07-14 12:34:06Minotaur at the Celsius Festival
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