CEIB-CEOE and SEGIB have participated today in the plenary meeting of business confederations of the Ibero-American space, which is held in parallel to the high-level plenary meeting of secretaries and SME officials of the Region. Both events took place in Buenos Aires, in the framework of the III Ibero-American Forum of the MIPYME, under the theme "Latin American SMEs facing the challenge of innovation and sustainability", and attended by representatives of the governments of the region, of business organizations of CEIB and entrepreneurs.

The vice president of CEOE and president of CEPYME, Gerardo Cuerva and the vice president of the Argentine Industrial Union (UIA), Daniel Funes de Rioja, inaugurated the Private Sector Meeting of the Mipymes Private Sector in the Ministry of Production of Buenos Aires. the challenges that the productive transformation brings and the inclusion of MSMEs in the fourth industrial revolution. They also addressed the promotion of intraregional trade and the participation of SMEs in global value chains; the Ibero-American space as an open innovation platform and the promotion of alliances to compete: startups, entrepreneurs and SMEs together with the large company; the analysis of public support policies and the new regulatory frameworks; and the economic empowerment of women and their participation in the business organization. The general director of CEOE International and permanent secretary of CEIB, Narciso Casado, also participated in the seminar.

From the meeting, some final conclusions were reached; a commitment to innovation and entrepreneurship was adopted; and the next steps were established. The final considerations were borne by the Deputy Minister of Development of SMEs in the Dominican Republic, Ignacio Antonio Méndez; from the CEOE CEO, Gerardo Cuerva; and of the Ibero-American General Secretary, Rebeca Grynspan. All these topics will be addressed tomorrow in depth at the III Ibero-American Forum of the Mipyme, which will begin in the Argentine capital. The theme and the points to debate arose at the Guatemala Summit, held in November 2018.

In parallel to the business meeting, the high-level plenary meeting of secretaries and SMEs of the Region was held, inaugurated by the Minister of Production and Labor of Argentina, Dante Sica. The person in charge of SMEs and Entrepreneurs of SEGIB, Esteban Campero; the Secretary of Entrepreneurs and Pymes of the Argentine Republic, Mariano Meyer; and the Director of Business Development of the National Commission of the National Commission of Micro and Small Enterprises (CONAMYPE) of the Republic of El Salvador, Rosibel Flores. During the meeting, the digital transformation of Ibero-American SMEs and the strengthening of entrepreneurial ecosystems in the Region were analyzed.

Innovation and entrepreneurship

The vice president of CEOE and president of CEPYME, Gerardo Cuerva, spoke during the meeting of the private sector about the challenges that the productive transformation brings and the consideration of the Ibero-American space as an open innovation platform. In this regard, he stressed the urgent need for innovation to become a State policy in all Ibero-American nations.

To do this, he referred to the Decalogue that was presented by CEOE, focused on Urgent Measures to promote R + D + i in Spain. The document proposes to establish a "Political Pact for R & D & i", to place activities in this area in the axis of Government policies. It also advocates simplifying legislative and bureaucratic procedures; facilitate technology transfer; improve financing, especially for MSMEs; promote the protection of innovation through industrial and intellectual property, promote a digitalization plan based on innovation, education and entrepreneurship; and support social innovation, opening the industry to society. Cuerva explained that Ibero-American business organizations and companies must assume the responsibility of convincing their governments and making their societies aware of the importance of innovation in economic development. The vice president of CEOE highlighted the full collaboration and support of the Iberoamerican Business Council (CEIB) in the definition and development of policies and initiatives that promote innovation in Ibero-America.

Cuerva considered that the Ibero-American space governments are making an important effort to strengthen entrepreneurial ecosystems. As for the companies, he pointed out that they request a reduction in the regulatory burden; they demand the creation of experimental spaces for innovative ideas; claim a greater capillarity to access talent; and clear financing models, depending, depending on the situation, on public investment, co-investment or private sector investment. Also, "companies propose that innovation training be developed from the earliest stages of education," he added.


In relation to intraregional trade and public policies to support MSMEs, Gerardo Cuerva stressed that CEOE and CEIB advocate to promote the process of internationalization in the Ibero-American Region. For this, it is considered fundamental to diversify the markets and increase the added value of the products; support trade negotiations and the protection of investments abroad; and in terms of financing, the support and complementarity offered by the different instruments of public support to companies in their internationalization process is considered fundamental. In addition, Cuerva explained that public action plans should be put in place to support SMEs to position themselves in intraregional markets and favor an institutional and legal environment so that MSMEs can develop and expand in the Region.

CEIB support

After the morning meetings, the Spanish delegation attended a lunch offered by the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Argentina. The vice president of CEOE, Gerado Cuerva, highlighted the importance of the III Ibero-American Forum of the Mipyme, organized by CEOE and SEGIB, in collaboration with the government of the Nation, the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Argentina and the Argentine Industrial Union (UIA) ). The objective, according to Cuerva, is to work on common objectives for the development of the Ibero-American region, such as entrepreneurship, administrative simplification, public policies to promote investment and the development of MSMEs, access to financing and internationalization. increase of the innovative and technological capacity of MSMEs.

All these objectives, said Cuerva, preside over the day to day of CEIB, whose headquarters and Permanent Secretariat are the CEOE, and which brings together the 23 most representative Ibero-American business organizations in Latin America, Spain, Portugal and Andorra. For this reason, he added, CEIB not only accompanies governments at the Ibero-American Summit, but also all initiatives that provide a space for analysis and reflection on the situation in Ibero-America.

Mipyme Forum and Young Entrepreneurs

This afternoon, an event organized by the Spanish Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs Associations (CEAJE) and the Ibero-American Federation of Young Entrepreneurs (FIJE), under the theme "Business in Ibero-America", will also be held this afternoon at the III Mipyme Forum. The president of FIJE, Juan Manuel Barrero, will take part in it; the Ibero-American General Secretary, Rebeca Grynspan; the general secretary of the Ibero-American Youth Organization, Max Trejo; and the CEOE CEO, Gerardo Cuerva and CEOE International CEO and permanent secretary of CEIB, Narciso Casado. More than 150 young entrepreneurs from all over the Region will participate in the event.

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The Secretary General of the Confederación Regional Empresarial Extremeña, CREEX, Francisco Javier Peinado, has highlighted the increase of affiliates to the Social Security in Extremadura during the month of June, which has located in 4,124 more people compared to the month of May, but has warned of the slowdown in the creation of employment, although the decline in unemployment in 1,770 people "is a positive fact".

However, he insisted that the increase in the number of members is good news because they are "people who contribute, contribute and generate productive activity and well-being".

Hairstyle has explained that from the CREEX better figures were expected "Due to the good performance registered in the month of May, so we thought that in June the same pace would be maintained in the creation of jobs."

The general secretary of the CREEX has also referred to the increase in unemployment in agriculture, a fact that "could be due" to the increase in the Minimum Interprofessional Salary (SMI), "although of course it would not be the only cause". In this regard, he recalled that employers have been warning since January that the rise of 23% of the SMI is "harmful and harmful" for the generation of employment.

"The entrepreneurs of the fruit are moving us the difficulties and problems they have to face the costs of labor and low market prices and these companies have to square their numbers and, sometimes, choose to leave the fruit in the trees, "he said.

Despite this, Peinado has reiterated that one should still be prudent when assessing the consequences of this increase because "all the experts suggest that until the end of 2019 a rigorous analysis will not be possible", but added that the data point to "a clear deceleration in the rate of job creation at the national level if we compare it with the same period of 2018."

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The Spanish Confederation of Transport by Bus, CONFEBUS, together with E-RESCUE, celebrated the 1st Conference on Bus Safety. The meeting, which took place at the CEOE headquarters, brought together a hundred professionals, including spokespersons for the Traffic Directorate, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Development, the Association of Rescue Professionals in Traffic Accidents ( APRAT), the Emergency Medical Service of Madrid (SUMMA 112) and the Association for the Study of Spinal Cord Injury (AESLEME).

According to the forecasts of the DGT, During this month of July around 43 million trips will be registered. Of these, more than 7.5 million will be made by bus, the safest mode of road transport: in 2017, 0.2% of the total fatalities of road traffic accidents were attributed to the bus. Therefore, its use helps decisively to reduce the loss of both human lives and costs in terms of healthcare and disability due to traffic accidents. Regarding the private vehicle, the bus is 20 times safer.

The president of the Confederation, Rafael Barbadillo, inaugurated the day, which exposed the latest advances in security systems and the main keys to reduce road accidents. "In the sector we make great efforts to tend to zero victims. Proof of this are the € 500 million that are invested each year in renewing the fleets in order to incorporate new security systems. Or the more than € 6 million that are invested in training the driving professionals to handle such innovations. " However, he also recalled that the infrastructure plays a very important role in the prevention of accidents on the road: "Although it has improved a lot in the last decades, it requires maintenance. We have to invest in our road heritage. "

The closure was the responsibility of the general director of Traffic, Pere Navarro, who recognized the work of the bus sector in terms of safety: "You have made road safety an 'obsession', which is contrasted with the results," he said. The director of the DGT also stated that "the sector is already far ahead of the Administration itself" In this regard, he referred to the different measures that have been promoted and promoted in terms of security from CONFEBUS.

The celebration of this day shows that innovation in safety is a priority for the bus sector, which makes a special emphasis on prevention. And, although it is the safest mode of land transport, the efforts of CONFEBUS are always aimed at Zero Vision, that is, to achieve a Spanish transport system without fatalities or serious injuries. To this end, the Confederation has publicly requested several measures: 1) Alcolocks must be installed compulsorily on buses registered after a certain date; 2) That companies be informed of the balance of points of professional drivers; 3) That they be allowed to perform random checks of drugs and alcohol; 4) That periodic medical checks are carried out on drivers, as they are done in the railway and aviation sectors; 5) As well as zero tolerance in the rate of alcohol for bus drivers. "The sector is on the right track in terms of safety, but we are still working to reduce accidents to zero," said Rafael Barbadillo.

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The Spanish Vehicle Renting Association, AER, has published the data of the registrations of vehicles registered by the renting companies, until June 2019, which rise to 168,785 units, what is an increase of 8.85%over the same period of 2018, in which 155,069 units were accounted for.

Regarding the results of the total market in Spain, the registrations have descended a 4.54%, when registering 820.789 units. The weight of renting in the total of registrations stands at 20.56%.

In June, vehicle leasing accounted for 33,990 units, 7.55% more than in the same month last year, when 31,604 were registered; while, the total market fell again by 7.32%, with respect to the sixth month of 2018, going from 165,518 units, in June 2018 to 153.404, last month.

The total investment, made in the acquisition of new vehicles by the leasing companies, until June 2019, has reached 3,253 million euros, 14.10% more than in 2018, when an investment of 2,851 million euros was recorded .

Agustín García, president of the Spanish Vehicle Renting Association, comments on the data: "The growth of renting registrations, at the end of the first half of the year, is great news for the sector that, in an environment of falls, has managed to close every month in positive. This is the demonstration that the change in the mentality of Spanish consumers is a reality. Despite these good results from the renting sector, we are aware that the automotive market is not going through its best and its reactivation is necessary»

Most registered brands and models

The 10 most registered brands in renting in the company channel, up to June 2019, represented 74.66%, compared to 71.87% that they accounted for in 2018. The growth experienced by these first 10 firms has been 10, 04%, while the renting, in the company channel, has increased by 5.94%.

Regarding the 10 most demanded models in renting, in the accumulated to June 2019, these have hoarded 27.06% of the total number of vehicles registered in renting in the business channel, while, in the same period of 2018 , they accounted for 23.68%. These first 10 models, in this period, have increased their presence in the company channel by 21.03%.

In the accumulated to June 2019 have been enrolled in renting 3,383 units of different types of electric (pure electric, extended range, plug-in hybrid gasoline and plug-in diesel hybrid), which accounts for 2% of total leases in renting ; while the 10,014 electric registered units in the total market represent 1.22%. The weight that the renting contributes to the total electric registrations is 33.78%. The registration of electric renting vehicles has increased with respect to the data accumulated to June 2018, 85.78%.

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Antonio Garamendi, president of CEOE and Jaime Hortelano, president and CEO of CMC Group have held a working meeting to define the contribution that this Spanish company, one of the leaders in the consulting and business transformation sector based on digital technologies, can perform to the employer, after their incorporation to it. Both leaders also took advantage of their meeting to exchange views on the current social and economic situation of the country.

After its integration in CEOE, CMC Group will participate and collaborate in the employers' advisory bodies, in different working groups and committees, as well as in its international delegations, taking advantage of the activity of the CMC Group in different European and Latin American countries.

The adhesion to the management of Grupo CMC, which brings together more than a thousand professionals, also allows both organizations to join forces in different areas and, specifically, in everything related to growing the competitiveness of the Spanish business fabric through the use of of new technologies for the transformation of business processes.

Grupo CMC stands out for being the company with the highest sustained growth in the Spanish ICT consulting and services market, and its vision and competence, both in the ICT world and in the business environment, have made it an actor with a presence consolidated in strategic sectors of activity such as banking and insurance, tourism, industry, services, energy and telcos.

Notably 50% of the turnover of Grupo CMC, which reached 51.5 million euros in the year 2018, comes from IBEX35 companies, and 33% from multinationals. Grupo CMC is also an actor in the international market, which contributed 15% of its turnover in 2018, a percentage that the company plans to double. Grupo CMC operates in Spain and other countries in Europe (Italy, Portugal and the UK), as well as in Latin America (Mexico and Colombia), where it is evaluating the expansion to other countries.

According to the president and CEO of Grupo CMC, Jaime Hortelano, "the incorporation into CEOE is an important step that highlights our commitment to the evolution of the business fabric. We have been accompanying companies for more than 25 years in their innovation and improvement of business processes, adds Hortelano, and we believe that being able to put at the service of entrepreneurs in this country all the knowledge we have acquired is the most appropriate way to contribute. to the backing of their businesses and, consequently, to the creation of wealth and prosperity of our country ".

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Carlos Daniel Casares, Secretary General of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, FEMP, and David de la Cruz, president of the Association of Green Infrastructure Management Companies, ASEJA, have signed a Framework agreement for cooperation in joint projects related to training, dissemination and knowledge transfer on improving the management of Green Infrastructure.

This agreement includes the elaboration of an informative guide of the municipal Green Infrastructure directed to the municipal managers and the celebration of a day directed to the elected positions of the local entities.

With the signing of this agreement, ASEJA and FEMP renew their commitment to collaboration that has already borne fruit in the recent Municipal Green Infrastructure Guide, a frame of reference for the subject in our country.

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The Spanish Federation of Food and Beverage Industries, FIAB, and the Federation of Associations of Celiacs of Spain, FACE, have signed a Collaboration agreement in order to promote the formation and exchange of knowledge between the business world of the food sector and the celiac collective.

The agreement, signed by the general director of FIAB, Mauricio García de Quevedo, and Jon Zabala Bezares, president of FACE, will allow the development of joint actions and the design of strategies on issues of disclosure, research and awareness.

"For the Spanish food and beverage industry, which works to make products adapted to their needs available to consumers, it is important to sign an agreement such as this and collaborate directly with the celiac community, almost half a million people in Spain, "said Mauricio García de Quevedo, CEO of FIAB.

For its part, the president of FACE, Jon Zabala Bezares, believes that "this type of agreement helps celiac people increasingly have more options without safe gluten and helps us create new ties with the food industry so that they are fully trained and informed of the needs of the collective. "

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Mafex, the Spanish Railway Association, held on June 27, 2019 its fifteenth General Meeting, which gathered a large group of partner companies in addition to having during the opening ceremony with the CEOE Secretary General, José Alberto González Ruíz, and organizations institutions such as Adif, Renfe, Secretary of State for Trade, Icex, Spain, Exports and Investments, Foundation of Spanish Railways, FFE, Spanish Railway Technology Platform, PTFE, Metro Madrid, Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona, ​​TMB, and MetroTenerife in the second open part of it.

During the session the activities carried out by the association were positively assessed, highlighting the Rail Live! Fair and congress, which exceeded participation expectations in its second edition and has become the national reference platform in rail transport with broad support from the entire sector, the 7th International Railway Convention held in Malaga a couple of weeks ago, which brought together more than 150 experts from companies and institutions from more than 30 countries on five continents, and where there were also 22 technical sessions on the topics of more current as intelligent and digital mobility, predictive and efficient maintenance, security or multimodality.

On the other hand, the actions that will take place during the second semester of the year were presented, among which highlights various business delegations and the technology delegation to Japan that Mafex will organize together with CDTI and that will take place within the framework of the Mass Trans Innovation Japan Event, where you will have the opportunity to understand the local ecosystem of the country that supports innovation, receive real-time feedback on projects / prototypes / business plans, as well as explore and meet potential partners.

In the framework of this meeting, 11 of the 18 companies that joined Mafex from the General Meeting of the previous year and were able to attend the meeting were presented: Eurogestión, Forest Trafic, Grupo Trigo, Next Generation Rail Technology, Polar, Revenga , Sigma Rail, Tria, Zeleros, Zitron and 3M Spain, all of them companies based or established in Spain that have an important export component in railway matters.

At present the association has 85 partners, whose rail billing in 2018 amounted to more than 5,000 million euros -Of which 80% was made in foreign markets- and employ more than 24,000 people.

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Enrollments of passenger cars and SUVs in the month of June decreased by 8.3% compared to the same period last year, until the 130,519 units, with one working day less than in June 2018. June sales have not been able to exceed May registrations, although, traditionally, this is a very positive month for vehicle deliveries in all channels. In fact, it is the worst June since 2015. In the first half of the year, deliveries of cars and SUVs fall 5.7%, up to 692,472 units.

The sales in the channel of individuals deepen their downward trend, with a decline in 18% and 50,408 units. Enrollments in this channel do not grow in any Autonomous Community, registering double-digit falls in virtually all of them. It is the tenth consecutive month that the commercializations in this channel fall. In the accumulated of the year, deliveries to individuals have fallen 12.3%, up to 295,445 units.

Only the rental channel remains positive, with a 5% increase in the month of June, to 40,972 units. The channel Business falls also in the sixth month of the year with 39,139 registered units, which means a reduction of 6.8% Respect to the same month of previously year.


In June, they have enrolled 20,202 light commercial vehicles. It represents a fall of 4.6% commercialization compared to the same month last year. They repeat fall in the year, with the channel of companies as the main cause of this decline, with a decrease of 12%. In the first six months, they recorded a growth of 2.3%, with 115,762 units.


The registrations of industrial vehicles, buses, coaches and minibuses have registered, after months of falls, an increase in the month of June of 37%, with 3.015 units. This figure means that, in the accumulated of the year, sales of these vehicles have returned to positive figures, with an increase of 4.6% and 14,626 units.

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